Chapter Four

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Kellin's POV

I paced back and forth in Justin's bedroom, biting my thumbnail nervously as I did. Justin groaned and fell onto his bed as I continued.

"Kellin! Calm down!"

"I can't," I hissed.

"Why not?"

"Because, I can't stop stressing."

"You don't have to stress. You're just being dumb."

"I am not, the date was a disaster," I groaned.

"You really think so?"

"My patient-who is also his best friend called me in the middle of our date!" I whined.

"Oh yikes. You didn't tell me that part."

"That's why it had to have been a disaster."

"It wasn't a disaster. I'm sure Vic had a great time."

I gave my best friend a look. "I fucked it all up. I shouldn't even be dating! Who wants to date someone who's on call constantly?"

"People who don't mind it, besides I'm sure Vic didn't mind it that much."


"There is no still."

I gave Justin a distraught look. "He hasn't even texted me since the date! What if he regrets agreeing to another date?"

"Just give him some time. It's a Tuesday, doesn't he work at a school or something?"

I nodded. "Yeah, he's probably at work right now."

"Then calm down."

"But it's been like, two days."


"So, I'm stressing."

"Stop it, do your dumb stress things."

"My dumb stress things don't work for me!"

"Then I don't know how you can be a therapist dude."

I glared at him before I sighed and fell on his bed in defeat. "I don't either, I should just give up now and become a stripper."

"No you're too shy to be a stripper."

"True," I said with a laugh.

"Knew it."

"But I definitely have the body."

"Totally." Justin told me and glanced at me. "And uh, no homo."

"You know it's still a little gay either way."

"I'm not gay!"

"Well sometimes I think you are."

"This isn't some stupid fanfiction, not everyone is fucking gay here!"

"I know, I know."


He rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm just saying, psychologically, it'd be understandable if you were."

"Well I'm not gay."

I put my hands up. "Okay, okay, I get it."


"Don't whatever me," I said and kicked him in the shin. "He hates me."

"He does not hate you."

"He probably does."

"Doubt it. You have another date with him, he obviously likes you."

"We're just talking in circles now, I hope you realize this," I told him.

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