The Break Up

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Jessica's P. O. V
The silence in the doctor's office made everything seem stagnant. Everything except the countdown of my life and the deterioration of my body. I stared at the young doctor looking sympathetically at me as his words continuously replayed in my brain: You have cancer. He looked back at me waiting for me to say something.

"So... how bad is it?" I finally said weakly

"It has already started spreading, but if you start an early treatment, it can possibly prolong your health and life," he said gently

"Oh, but I can't start an early treatment. I'm leaving for Dublin next week"

"I'll refer you to a doctor there so you can start getting treatment right away"

The doctor explained about how I could take care of myself by eating healthy foods, having constant physical exercises and enough rest. The rest of the things he said passed by like wind. My mind was filled with the dreams I had for my life, the job I just got in a law firm and all the plans that had been shattered, broken into pieces by the tiny disease constantly multiplying in my in my body.

As I walked out of the doctor's office, I could feel the tears stinging in my eyes. I rushed into my car and let them flow easily. I thought of my parents then, of all the things they had sacrificed for my wellbeing and soon all that would be in vain and they would soon become parents to one child, instead of two. They had me and my elder brother, Joel. I wiped the tears from my eyes and drove home.
The doorbell rung at seven in the evening and I was already dressed in a long turquoise dress and black sandals. I looked good despite my puffed up eyes. I quickly walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey you," Paul said and kissed me lightly "You look great."

"So do you," I smiled as he handed me a bouquet of pink roses. I was surprised he did not notice my puffed up eyes. I put the flowers in a vase with water and carried my purse.

"All set," I said and smiled at him

"After you, my lady" he stood at the door and waited for me to pass through.

"Why, thank you, handsome gentleman" I replied

Paul and I had been dating for three years now. We met at a friend's dinner party. He is a physician, a very serious physician. He was kind of shy, and he was not one of the people I thought I would date. However, his sweetness and charms intoxicated me. He was one that I could not resist. So when he asked me out for coffee, I did not say no.
After a twenty minutes drive, he parked outside a hospital.

"Are we having dinner in a hospital?" I asked bewildered

"Of course not," Paul laughed "From here, we walk"
"Where are we going?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out," with that, he opened the door and got out. I got out too and he took my hand, "You'll have to close your eyes, starshine"

"Alright then," I laughed as he blindfolded my eyes with a piece of cloth

I laughed all the way to our destination, tripping over steps and being pulled back and forth. Finally, I heard a gate swing open and decided that we were finally there.

"Open your eyes, Beauty" Paul said as he removed the blindfold.

I awed at the sight before us. We were standing outside a garden full of green colourful flowers. There was a table set with candles and a waiter standing besides it, carrying a bottle of red wine.
"Oh my god Paul, this is so amazing," for a moment I began to wonder why good things had to happen on such a gloomy day. I was supposed to tell him about my cancer that night. I feared the terror that it would bring to his soul, and still I did not know how I would tell him.

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