The Beginning

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"Hey Bella, how are you?"

"Oh my goodness. Jes, hello. Am fine love, how are you"

"Am okay girlie"

"That's great. How is the cancer?"

"I have great news girlie, my cancer is all gone now"

"Wow. Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I had a transplant today"

"That's great news"

"Bells, I need a favour"

"What do you want Jes?"

"I need Ronan's number "

"Ronan? Which Ronan?"

"Paul's brother. That guy that has been after my life, like for forever"

"Oh, okay. Will text you. But why do you want it?"

"You will see, love."

"Okay sweety, talk to you later" I hung up

Bella was Chloe and my roomie, back when we were in college. We became besties right from the very first day we met. She sent me Ronan's number. You might wonder why I wanted Ronan's number. Well Ronan is Paul's only sibling. Paul loves Ronan a lot, and if you want to hurt Paul, then Ronan is the pawn. I know, its really bad to hurt an innocent soul like Ronan's, but what can I do? Paul hurt me a lot, so I badly want to get my ultimate revenge. I want to see Paul, break down into pieces, even if it means using his brother. I called him, he picked up after the third ring.

"Hey Ronan"

"Jessie? Hie, how are you"

"Am okay, how are you?"

"Am good. Are you still in Australia?"

"Nope, I went back to my parents' place"

"That's great, am also in the hood"

"Great, can we meet up tomorrow, for old times sake?"

"Surely we have to. Umh, slapburger?"

"You know me, slapburger, tomorrow at three. Is that okay with you?"

"That's awesome. See you tomorrow then" I hung up.


So its been three weeks since I met Ronan at slapburger. Here's the update, Ronan and I are officially together. He asked me out on our fourth date. Now its time to put my plan into action. Ronan and I will by all means have to go back to Australia. I don't know if he will agree, but I will try convince him. Its only when we are in Australia that I can carry out my whole plan.

From: Ronan
Are you free tonight? Let's say around 6?

To: Ronan
Yeah I am, what's up?

From: Ronan
Okay love, get ready, I'll pick you up at six. Oh, it will be a motorbike ride

Motorbike huh? Last time I rode a bike was a week before breaking up with Paul. He had just bought his Yamaha YZF-R15. What? Am into motorbikes. Mom got me a Pulsar 180, I loved that baby. Knowing Ronan, I bet everything that I have, his bike will be a Piaggio Xevo. Will have to wait and see about that.

Many showers, makeups, mirrors, leather pants and jackets, and all that later, I was all ready and set to go.

"Um, excuse me, Ronan is here to see you Jessica"

"Thanks Nina. Tell him I will be down in a second"

"Okay.... Umh Jessica"


"You look different" I raised my eyebrow at her, "a good difference"

"Thanks Nina"

"If you ladies are done complementing each other, its time to roll"

"Joel, I didn't hear you come in"

"Its cause your door was open idiot"

"Very funny. Tell me how do I look?"



"Disgustingly horrifying"

"Are you messing with me"

"Like a zombie"

"Stop it Joel or so help me I will chop your dick off"

"Chill out queen bee, was messing your mind"

"Tell me how I look"

"You look amazing" I raised my eyebrows at him, "am being honest here Jessica."

"Thank you Joel"

"Yeah, that's done. Now get your ass out of here woman"

"Geez, what's the hapes brother? Why do you want me out of the house badly?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out"

"I will."

"Go Jessica, Ronan is waiting"

"Bye brother" I kissed his cheek

"Take care little sister"

I grabbed my phone and purse and rushed to the living room. After exchanging pleasantries with Ronan, it was time to hit the road. We went to where he parked his baby and guess what? My guess was right, he has a Piaggio Xevo. Time to pull out an act of the century

"Oh my, is that a Piaggio Xevo?"

He looked at me, surprised. He blinked rapidly then "Yeah it is a Piaggio Xevo"

"I really like this baby, its amazing"

"I didn't know you are into motorbikes"

"I adore them, love. Thanks for taking me out on this baby"

"Anything for you my love" he leaned in and closed the distance between us.

"You know, there are plenty of rooms inside the house" Joel shouted, Ronan groaned

"Shut up goofy face" I shouted back, earning a laugh.

Ronan tries to read people through their eyes. So remember I said something about an act of the century? Well, its time to put that one into action. I have to deceive Ronan through my eyes, and from the look on his face, I was doing it perfectly well.

"You know, its not a date if you just keep staring at each other" Joel shouted, again. Some brother I have.

"Ronan, let's leave" I turned to Joel, "have a great fuck Joel"  I shouted back

"Screw you"

"Not a chance Joel" I shouted back as got onto the back of the motorbike

"Fuck you"

"I doubt it, am your sister" I shouted, as the motorbike roared to life. Ronan drove us out of the Williams' compound, but not before I hear Joel cussing. I let our a laugh. Time to enjoy this motorbike ride, destination ? Unknown. But I don't give a fuck, so long as it makes Ronan insanely in love with me. After some minutes and turns he stopped.

"We are here mi amor"

Huh, Spanish much, are we?

I looked around and what the fuck, this place is the same place Paul and I....................

Am so done with this chapter. I hope you will love it..

Love you all

Happy readings

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