Morgan is Back

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Paul's P. O. V.

The bang of my fists on the table resounded in the silent restaurant, followed by loud shrieking of women. M? The only name that is coming up in my head in Morgan.. But Morgan is long dead. Only one person knows and can prove that, Jessica. But she's too dumb to play mind games with me, or is she?

"What is wrong with you Paul?" Ronan asked

"Am fine. Something came up"

"What something? It seems to get you pretty worked up Paul" Jessica chirped in, I eyed her suspiciously, when something caught my eyes....

Aha,,,, bingo... Security cameras. That will do the trick. I need to find out who is messing with me.

"Excuse me. I'll be back guys" I left them and went to search for the manager or whoever was in charge of this damn place........

Jessica's P. O. V

And he is gone... Oh hey guys, Paul got so worked up with the last text. And as per my plan, he saw the security camera and he left.. I presume to look for the video footages.. He is slowly falling under my trap.. Here is the thing, knowing Paul, I knew he will look for concrete evidence to find out if Morgan is still alive. Oops, you don't know Morgan.. She was Paul's patient, the one who the events of 24th February revolve around. That's all am saying now. So, I this other girl, Xiomara who is Morgan's identical twin. They look alike, except for the positioning of their birthmarks. But Paul never knew Morgan had a twin. See how much effort I invested in this.. So am using Bella for mind games, and Xiomara for appearances. Which is why Paul will find a 'Morgan' in the footage he will look for. Oh talking about Paul, here he comes..

"Would you tell us what the hell is going on?"

"Its nothing Ron. Let's just go."

"Its not nothing. You have been acting weird this night."

"I'll tell you later.. Let's just go" Paul insisted.

"Kay.. If you say so. Let's go girls"

We walked out of the restaurant. I silently prayed that Xiomara had done what I asked her to do. Cause if she did, then the drama is unfolding sweetly.

We reached the hotel. Paul excused himself to the bathroom, only to run out screaming.

"What is wrong now?"

" Jess... can't be... Morgan.."

Thank you Xiomara...

"What are you talking about Paul, and Jess, who the heck is Morgan?"

"Paul, are you sure you saw Morgan?" I completely ignored Ronan

"I swear she was there. Go and check"

"Okay" I went to the bathroom and returned

"You saw her right? She's right there, you saw her"

"There is nothing... You are just imaging things Paul"

"No am not.. Am telling the truth"

"Go take a rest.."

"I swear I saw her"

"Go and rest Paul... Will talk tomorrow"

"Okay. Night guys. Please lock the doors, cause Morgan is here."

"Night Paul" Ron, Bella and I said in unison.

He went into his room.


"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh" Paul screamed

We all rushed into the room and behold, written in bold red lipstick on the glass was a note from Morgan.

Am back Paul. And you'll pay for messing with me.


Uh uh,,,,, Morgan is back

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