Revelations 1

12 1 0

Paul's POV

Its been three whole days and not a word from Morgan. But the message of the glass meant that she is coming after me. I can't seem to figure out the puzzle, or what's going on in her head. I mean,I saw her lifeless body,and there is definitely no way she is alive. But if she is not Morgan, then who is she? And how come they look exactly the same. I paced up and down in the room trying to figure out her next move. In three days, she has not sent any text, nor has she appeared before me. Luckily, we have a few more day till we return home, and leave this damn Melbourne.. My phone beeped.. Oh great, she has decided to now text me.. I quickly unlocked the phone, only to find a text from Ronan asking if I wanted pizza.

"Fuck...." I groaned and threw the phone on the bed. Right there, I decided to get some sleep, cause since the night I found Morgan's message on the mirror, I never slept. I feared for my life cause I knew she was back and determined to get revenge. I slowly drifted to fantasy land, and I regretted. As I had a bad dream in which Morgan had tried to kill me by suffocating me. A knock on the door brought me out of dreamland.

"Coming" I lazily dragged myself to the door only to find that there was no one there, except for a neatly folded piece of paper.

"Hello? Anyone there?" I was answered with a dead silence. I took the paper and went back in. Written on the paper was a message for me written by Morgan. I recognized her neat handwriting.

Hello my favorite DOC. It was beautiful to see you finally sleeping. Many thoughts crossed my mind darling, but I didn't do anything. Well, I came to tell you to meet me at the cliff darling Doc. Its about time you know how I survived. Meet me there at exactly 9am, tomorrow.. She you soon darling


This woman has issues. Anyways, am definitely going there, and this time, I'll make sure she doesn't survive. No one messes with me.


"Detective Katzar, this is Jessica Williams speaking."

"Oh, Miss Williams, how can I help you?"

"Remember the case that was announced all over the news about a young woman called Morgan?"

"Yes. What about it?"

"Well, I have some information that might help you." I told the detective to meet me at the cliff.. I urged him to bring back up.. I just pray Paul does what I want him to do.

"Thank you Miss Williams, have a good day" I hung up.

"Everything is set. I delivered the note." Bella said as she walked into the room.

"Great job Bella. Tomorrow will be Paul's downfall. Let's raise our glasses to that."

Y'all might think am evil. But no, am not. Am just tired of covering up for Paul. And every time I do, he throws back all my goodness into my own face. Now, I can't take it, Paul is going down.

The next morning, Chloe, Ronan, Bella, the detective and two other police officers hid in the bush with me. Paul walked past us to the opening.

"Come out you fraud. I know you are here." Paul called out.

"Hello Paul, I see you still got the feisty attitude" 'Morgan' said

"Who are you?"

"Oh, am hurt my darling Doc. You don't remember me?"

"Shut it and tell me who are you?"

"Okay darling. I'll refresh your memory. Its me, your darling sweetheart, Morgan"

"No. Morgan is dead. You can't be her"

"How can you be so sure that am dead when am standing right in front of you?"

"Am sure Morgan is dead.. Who are you  and what do you want."

"I told you am Morgan. And I want you Paul. We can be together again."

"How did you survive, I mean I saw it on the news that you are dead"

"It was just a bluff created by the police. Am alive"

"No its not a bluff. You are bluffing"

"How can you be so sure that the news was true? How can you justify your claim darling."

"Its true. Morgan is dead."

"What is convincing you to say that?"

"You want to know?" Paul pulled out the same pistol he used on Morgan, I quickly signaled the detective not to make a move but to keep alert.

"I'll tell you. I personally killed Morgan, and threw her over over the cliff. And now that you know, am going to do the same with you."

Uh uh, Paul just did what I wanted him to do... Sorry Paul, no hard feelings...

Revenge On My Ex-Boyfriend (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now