Are You Okay

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Chloe's P. O. V.

We went back to our suite. All the way to there, Joel was silently chuckling. That asshole. He seemed to be extra pleased with whatever was happening, his chuckles were sending me over the edge. Anyways, in the suite, we went to our separate rooms. Thanks for that, cause there was no way I was going to share a room with that idiot. I freshened up, and laid on the bed. Thoughts drifting to fantasy land..

"Chloe babe, come out. I bought pizza" Joel knocked on my door. When did he go out? I took a robe and threw it over the thongs I wore. Hahahaha,,, yes, am that evil. I quickly walked out cause I was starving.

I sat, seductively, on one of the chairs.

"Its about time you came out. I thought you had committed suicide in there." Joel remarked. He still hadn't seen my posture, nor what I wore, cause he had his back to me and he was pouring champagne into two glasses.. He's almost done though.

"Dinner is served babe" he said as he turned around, "holy shit" he said as he fully absorbed me. I smirked.. He sat on another chair far away from me. Avoiding me are we bad boy? He slowly sipped his champagne whilst holding onto my glass. If he's not going to give it, I'll take it. I walked to where he sat. He gulped audibly.


"What? Are no nervous?"

"No" he gritted

"Good. Can I sit?"


I sat down and he handed me over my glass. I slowly sipped my champagne. Joel was evidently uncomfortable with our position.. Serves you right for messing with me.. I churned down my drink and got off the chair. Joel sighed in relief. Not for long darling, not for long.. I went to the table were he left the champagne. I undid the ribbon holding the robe together. This will be tonnes of fun.

"Joel" I called out without turning around


"I need a hand over here"

"Okay. " he came and I was sandwiched between his body and the table. My ass was directly on his dick.. Uh uh...

"Chloe, you ave already poured your drink" Joel pointed out

"Now that not the help I wanted." I turned and looked at him and held the undone robe, that's when he caught on the joke.

"So....." I trailed my fingers along his jawline. He tensed under my touch.  I kissed his face,, well except his lips. I deliberately avoided those. I knew if I dared, then I'd cave in. I left a trail of kisses down as I undid one button after another. He groaned, and lifted me up and placed my ass on the table. Alright Chloe, grow a pair. I attacked his mouth and my hand trailed down his open chest to his jeans. I slowly stroked his dick. He deepened the kiss and I knew if we didn't stop, we might take it to second base.. I pushed him away, adjusted my robe and smirked

"Are you okay there babe?" I feigned ignorance.

"Wha? Ho? Chloe?" Joel stammered

"Cat caught your tongue babe?" I stroked his dick again.

"Chloe I swear I will....."

"You'll what tiger?"

"Fuck you. HARD.. Until am okay"

"Nah ah babe. The only way you'll be okay is if you go into your room, and take your closes off" I saw his eyes light up "and take a cold shower." I kissed his jeans where there was the dick budge and trotted to my room and locked

"Damn you Chloe" Joel shouted.

Uh uh,,, the bad boy is not okay.... And am in trouble... Lol.. Cheers to tomorrow...

Revenge On My Ex-Boyfriend (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now