February 24.

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An: this chapter is written in a neutral POV... Third person pronouns will be used, instead of the usual first person pronouns.... Happy readings...

Morgan and Paul agreed to meet later that day. Morgan has psychological problems, and even though Paul had advised her on several occasions to find a psychologist, Morgan insisted that Paul was her help. Because of the Hippocratic oath, Paul reluctantly agreed to help her, hence their frequent meeting. Unfortunately, Paul didn't know that Jessica had been hot on his tail, as she thought he was cheating on her. The thought came about because twice every month, Paul would leave on Friday and return on Tuesday, carrying a faint lady-ish scent. The suspicions grew after she found a love note in Paul's pockets, and she was determined to know what happens in Melbourne, every month.

Later that afternoon, Paul and Morgan met at their usual meeting place, the Chinese restaurant...

"You know Doc, its odd that you treat your patients at a Chinese restaurant and not your house." Morgan remarked.

"The restaurant is fine Morgan. I like the atmosphere"

"Alright Doc. Whatever makes you comfortable."

"What do you mean what makes me comfortable? Isn't this place comfortable for you?"

"No Doc. It is not. Let's go out on a date my dearest Doc. I'll show you the place that's most appealing to my heart and soul. I bet you'll be comfortable with that place, as will I."

"Am not going on a date with you. I told you......"

"Yes yes yes Doc, you have a girlfriend, who is a couple of hours away from you right now. So go out on a date with your darling patient. Its not like am asking you to be my boyfriend.. Let's just go on a patient doc date."

"Sheesh,she's so determined to take me out on a date. Well, if that's what it takes for her to leave me alone, then I bet I'll just go. Thanks heavens Jessica suspects nothing fishy." Thought Paul.

"Okay Morgan, let's go out on that date.. I hope this will be good"

Unfortunately, they never noticed Jessica who was sitting on the closest table to theirs. She had recorded the whole conversation, to use when questioning Paul on his and Morgan's relationship... After they left, she noticed Morgan's diary on the table. She slipped it into her bag hopping she will find more evidence on the relationship between Morgan and Paul. She waited a few minutes after they left, for her to leave.. She followed them at a slight distance. Not too close to be noticed, but not too far to lose them. They took a right turn to a deserted path, still, Jessica was hot on their heels. The path led to an opening, oh wait, a beautiful cliff top.

"Wow" Paul said

"See? I knew you'll like it"

"You were right Morgan. Its lovely"

"Yes.. Now let's sit and talk."

"Okay". They sat down and talked. Unfortunately, that's not the only thing they did. And Jessica was still videotaping the whole scene before her. Luck was not on Paul's side as Morgan had set her phone on a position that was capturing the whole drama.

Paul and Morgan slowly kissed, and started undressing each other.. Tears flowed down from Jessica's eyes, still, she didn't make her presence known.. She watched as the love of her life made love to his 'patient'. She wiped away all the tears after they were done... Morgan and Paul dressed up and sat down to talk.

" That's the first and last time something like that is happening"

"You are wrong Paul."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, it so happens that I have all what happened right here on tape, so, imagine what happens if I send that to Jessica?"

"You are bluffing?"

"Oh really?" She played the video and raised the phone to Paul's face. Paul's raged bar shot up real quickly.

"Delete that, this instant"

"No. I won't. Now you do what I tell you.. Remember, you are in no position to negotiate."

"What do you want?"

"Call Jessica right now, and tell her you are done with her."

"Okay" Paul sighed in defeat. He surely was in  a hot mess. He retrieved his backpack, to get his phone. Slowly, he pulled out a pistol.

"Now Morgan, give me the phone, and you stay alive"

Morgan quickly sent the video to the email her twin sister,Xiomara, never used.

"Am not giving you the phone Paul. What are you going to do about it? Kill me?"

"Don't test me Morgan"

"Come on Paul shoot me" it never occurred to Morgan that Paul would actually pull the trigger and fire at her. She continued taunting Paul until he lost his cool and aimed at her. By that time, she was standing on the edge of the cliff.

"Do you have the balls? Come on and shoot me" Morgan sneered,, fresh venom laced with the word. That sent Paul over the edge of his cool.

"Nooo Paul,, Doooooonnntttttttt" Jessica screamed, but alas it was too late. Paul had fired at Morgan, and her body laid lifeless on the edge of the cliff.

"Paul are you fucking crazy? You just killed someone."

"Jess,,,,I... You......how.. What....when... Did....?"

"Yes, I saw everything."

"I can explain"

"Save it for later, what are you going to do with her?"

Paul pushed the body over the edge, and it fell off the cliff.

He and Jessica later on agreed to never talk about what happened in Melbourne on the 24th February. He even asked her to burn the files that showed that Morgan was Paul's patient, and delete all the videos. And they lived in silence from that day, talking about everything, except the 24th February in Melbourne.


Yaaaay.... I have finally revealed the secret behind 24th February.... Some sad news though, with the revelation, the story is slowly approaching the end. But don't stop reading because, there are a few more chapters to this story...

Love you all.....

Revenge On My Ex-Boyfriend (Under Editing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum