A Matter of Wishes

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Jessica's P. O. V

I held onto Ronan's arm strongly, whilst sobbing uncontrollably. Okay, the bottom line is Paul did not slap me, thanks to my darling knight, Ronan. But then, being the drama queen I am, I used that to my advantage, hence all the fake tears.

"Ronan, listen to me. She is a fake. She is out to seek revenge, and she is using you."

"Do you hear that? Am leaving Ronan. You will never ever see me again" I pretended leaving, the living room. Of course, I know he will call me back in exactly


"Stop Jessica. You are going nowhere. The only person leaving this place is Paul"

"What? You can't do that Ronan. Am your brother."

"Paul, you are no longer invited to my house, please leave"

"Okay Ronan. I will leave," He then turned to me "game over. You win."

Hell no. This is not game over, this is game start. Be prepared Paul, am about to strike, I have you right where I wanted you to be.

He was leaving when I called out, "Paul, wait"

"Why?" They both asked, I expected that one. I eyed Paul, am not letting you go that easily.

"Go to your room babe, I'll be there soon"

Ronan looked at me as if I had asked for both his kidneys. But I gave him a reassuring nod, he shrugged and went away.

"Hello once again Paul"

"Why.did.you.stop.me?" He asked through gritted teeth

"Tsk tsk tsk.. Curious now, are we Paul? Here's the thing, how will you pay if you leave?"

"Are you that cold hearted, Jessie?"

"Don't fucking call me that. And do you actually blame me for being cold?"

"Am sorry for what I did. Just stop these games"

"Its too late for apologies. Now just watch me as I flicker the lights and you'll dance to my every tune."

"What makes you think I'll actually listen to what you say? Am leaving right now. Let's see how you'll get your revenge."

"Don't you dare leave, or else I'll destroy you in the worst possible ways"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Oh, you seem to have an amnesia. Let me refresh your memory. Remember the 24th of February in Melbourne?" His eyes widened "Glad that you do. If you leave, them I'll just have to release the documents and you can kiss your license a good bye"

"You burnt those documents"

"Nope. I burnt the copies. I have the originals with me"

"You bitch"

"Glad we are on the same page. Now I'll go in there, talk to your brother. And you'll come after exactly five minutes and you'll apologies. Got it?"

"Whatever" he looked at me "I just wish I did do that day. We wouldn't have this conversation right now."

"Oh, and i wish you were not a cold hearted beast, that actually broke up with me because I had cancer. But what can I say? Its only a matter of wishes. And we can't all have our wishes, besides genies only exist in fantasies. And Paul,  that's not the answer I am looking for"

"Okay. I'll do it"

"Now that's a good boy. See you in five" I left for Ronan's room.

"Babe, what was that about? Do you still have feelings for my brother?"

"No babe, I don't" liar, "I was just trying to make sure you don't decide in a rush" I said as I sat besides him.

"What are you talking about? Didn't you see the way he acted with you?"

"I know babe, but I forgive him, because he is your brother. And for that reason, you don't have to send him away. He is only coming to terms with us, and it's hard for him. But he loves you and I know you do, that's why I stopped him" I gently run my fingers through his hair.

"But babe...."

"Shush love. You love me right? Then please forgive him"

"Okay. On one condition though, if he misbehaves, he will go"

"That's fine... So what's up for today?"

Knock knock

"Come in, its opened" Ron called out

"Hey guys. I want to talk to you, is this a good time?" Paul asked peaking inside

"Yeah, sure come in."

"Umh, I came to apologise. Jessica, I was out of line and am sorry. Ronan, I shouldn't have to hit your girl. Am sorry, it won't ever happen again, I promise"

"Its okay Paul, right Ron?"

"Yeah. Apology accepted"

"Thanks guys. See you around.. I gotta go"

"I'll walk you to the door."

"Okay Ronan.. Jessica, see you around"

"Will be back shortly, love"

"Kay Ron. Take care"


Hey guys.. Your favorite bitch is kinda sorta back.. I haven't updated for a very long time and am sorry.. But I had to take a break from writing cause of school.. But then I love you guys so much, that I decided to write a filler for you guys whilst working on the next update.. Please give your girlie girl by tapping at that beautiful star down there😘😘😹😹
  Don't forget to share and comment..

Tonnes of love


Revenge On My Ex-Boyfriend (Under Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ