The Fallen

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I wake up in a beige room. I look around and slowly stand up. I take a good look around. I'm not sure I'm dead... I don't think heaven looks like this. I think to myself. I walk over to the window and see.. THRESH?! I killed him! I run out of the room, down the stairs, and right over to Thresh.


"Woah Cato calm down! I have no idea how me or you is alive. But so is Foxface from 5 Rue, Glimmer, Marvel, and your little girlfriend Clove. All the fallen tributes are!" Thresh replies as Rue runs over to him with Clove chasing her laughing with Rue.

When Clove sees me she stops dead in her tracks. Her eyes well up with tears and she runs over to me. She jumps into my arms, wraps her legs around my waist, nuzzles her head in the crook of my neck and cries. I stroke her hair and kiss her head. She pulls her head out of my neck and kisses me with so much passion.

"C-Clove I thought I lost you baby girl."

"I-I know Cato!" Clove says and kisses me again.

"O MY GOD CLOVE!" Glimmer yells and runs over to hug her.

"Glimmer I missed you!" Clove whispers into hold on her.

"Hey Cato! How far did you make and who killed you?" Marvel yells.

"Hey Marvel! I made it to the final 3 and Katniss killed me with her arrow to the head."

"Wow I thought you would win." Marvel says scratching the back of his neck.

"Not without Clove I wasn't."

We talk for a while and we all just have fun. It becomes night and Clove had fallen asleep on my lap.

"You guys are really cute." Glimmer says as she leans against Marvel.

Wait... are Marvel and Glimmer together? Huh I did not see that one coming... I get a better look at their position and I feel stupid. She is holding his hand while sitting on his lap and he would kiss her forehead every now and then.

"Wait you guys are a couple?"

"Yeah we are. Your a slow one aren't ya..." Marvel says and winks at me.

Marvel says him and Glim have to go. They leave and I just look at Clove. Her once straight hair is now curled. She's wearing a white tank top, and some brown skinny jeans. I don't want to wake her up so I carry her to my room and gently lay her on the bed. I get in next to her and kiss her head. She instantly clings to me as if her life depended on it.

Her eyebrows start to twitch and she starts to whimper. I sit up and just watch to see if she will stop. She starts to shake and sweat and move around. She start to scream and cry. I grab he shoulders softly and try to gently shake her awake. When that doesn't work I grab her face gently and start to kiss her softly.

That doesn't help much but it does get her to stop screaming. I take her face in my hands again and start to gently shake her. She start to scream and cry again. I start to yell her name and try to get her to wake up. When she does she sits up and gasps into my chest. She grabs me by my waist and sobs heavily.

Marvel, Glimmer, Rue, Foxface, Thresh and Amber the girl from 6 comes running in. They all look shocked and come rushing over. Thresh sits next to Clove and rubs her back while trying to calm her sobs. I'm stroking her hair while trying to calm her down.

"Shh Clover it was just a dream. Shh shh I'm right here baby girl its ok." I coo kissing her head.

"I-It was t-terrible Cato. Y-you know about m-my past r-right?" Clove mumbles into my chest.

"of course I know baby girl. Was that what your nightmare was about?"

Cloves past life is terrible. Her own father used to beat and rape her. He was always drunk and she would end up at my house quite a lot. But when she went to her house she was always beaten and raped. She used to have nightmares about it all the time.

"S-sorta..." Clove mumbles into my chest.

"What happened baby girl I need to know."






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