Whats wrong?

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I wake up to sweet kisses on my chest. I smile remembering last night. I wrap my arms around Clove and role so she is on top of me. I open one eye and look at her.

She is smiling and blushes a deep red. I smile a crooked smile at her and lean up to kiss her forehead. She giggles and rolls off me and takes the comforter with her. I chuckle and grab her waist and pull her back.

She yelps in surprise and starts to giggle a lot I toss her on the bed and tickle her.

"P-please stop C-Cato haha!"

"Say I have a sexy body and you love me!"

"Y-you have a s-sexy body and I l-love you!" She says out of breath.

I take the comforter off of her and look at her body. She has perfect curves and you can see her 6 pack lightly on her tanned stomach.

She looks down and sighs. I get confused and pick up her chin. She has a look of sadness on her face all of a sudden.

"Baby girl why are you sad?"

"I-I don't deserve you... Your to good for me. I'm not pretty and I'm tiny compared to everyone else. I-I don't know why you ever chose me..." she says looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

I wipe away her tears with the pad of my thumb. Only to have more tears replace them. I grab her face in my hands and kiss her softly. I pull away and look at her.

"The reason I like you is because your different. Your not ugly, your beautiful. Yes your really short, but I like it. Your perfect for me. And I love you!"

She smiles and kisses me again.

"Now go get dressed I'm takin you somewhere."

She nods and runs in the bathroom. After 2 minutes I hear gagging. I panick and walk in to see her hunched over the toilet throwing up. I run over to her and rub her back and hold her hair.

Once she is done she is covered in sweat and she falls back into my arms. She is breathing heavy and is very pale. I hold her tightly and kiss her head.

"Shh baby girl what happened?"

"I-I don't know."

Her eyes go wide and she puckers her lips. Her face is green and I know she is about to vomit again but doesn't want to.

"Baby you have to. It's how your body gets rid of waist."

She lurches forward and grabs the side of the toilet. She vomits for a good minute and a half. When she stops I see her arms start to wobble and they give out cuz she is to weak to hold herself up.

"I-it hurts Cato..." she whimpers and uses me as support.

"I know I know and I'm sorry it hurts just relax ok?"


We sit there on the bathroom floor for the rest of the day incase she throws up again. When it's 11:23 I pick her now sleeping body up and go lay her in bed.

I crawl next to her and hold her close. I look down at her and kiss her forehead. 'I didn't get to ask her what I needed to ask her today!'
I thought. I'll ask her tomorrow morning.

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