Oh God No

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Its the 91st Hunger Games and Kori and Hunter have been in District 2 for 6 years. They luckily haven't gotten reaped and me and Clove are very grateful for that.  Its the reapings today and everyone is here to watch and see if Kori or Hunter get picked. Before Kori and Hunter left we wanted to see what their skills were.

Kori is amazing with knives just like her mother, but she is incredible with a sword. She is now a beautiful 17 year old and we have heard some incidents that happened to her. She was walking home from training one day and apparently some boys started picking on her because she was small. They had pushed her to the ground and tried to rape her. When the Mayor of District 2 told me I literally wanted to kill the boys that did that to my baby girl! Apparently Hunter was walking by the alley and saw and beat them up. Kori has scars from knives but non the less, she is a fierce girl and a force to be reckon with.

Hunter is amazing with swords like me, but is also very good at axes. He is a tall young man now and is very protective of his sister. His hair is a little darker then mine and his eyes are grey with blue specks in them. He is very muscular and fierce. When Kori gets picked on ive been told that he beats the crap out of them.

We are all sitting in our living room with Clove on my lap and everyone else lounged out. The District 2 escort Rosalie walks out wearing all blue. She talks, shows the video, talks then walks over to the girls bowl.

"Kori Hadley!"

Cloves breath hitches and everyone gasps in horror. Clove starts to cry and I pull her head into my chest. It shows Kori's face on the screen. She looks scared, then shocked, then fierce. It shows Hunters face and he has tears in the brim of his eyes.

Kori stands on stage with her head held high and looks directly at Hunter. Rosalie waddles over to the boys bowl and puts her arm in. She grabs a paper and walks back to the microphone. She unfolds the paper and her smile disappears.

"Hunter Hadley..."

NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! Not both of my kids. It shows Kori's face first. She has tears in her eyes but refuses to let them fall. The camera then goes to Hunter's face. He just walks up with no emotion on his face. Clove gets up and runs out of the house. Everyone looks at me and I'm frozen and the only thing I can say is what no one thought.

"Why did it have to be them? Why?!" I yell the last part.

The girls run out to try and find Clove. The guys look at me and all give me sympathetic looks. I just nod and stand up. They follow my lead and we go to find Clove.

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