Loving Family

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*************5 YEARS LATER***********

I wake up to jumping on my stomach. I open one eye and see my beautiful daughter. She is smiling and starts to giggle. I grab her waist and flip over so she is laying on the bed looking up at me. I smile mischievously.

Her eyes go wide in realization. She starts to squeal and try to get away. I start to tickle her and she is giggling uncontrollably. She laughs so hard she starts to cry. I stop and look at her. She giggles and hugs me. She really is a daddies girl. I think to myself.

I look over to see Clove still asleep. I smirk and crawl away from a now confused Kori. I gently kiss Clove on the lips and that earns a squeal from Kori. She runs out of the room. I chuckle and as I'm looking back at Clove she is smirking at me. I get up and pull her with me. I kiss her gently and she smiles into the kiss. I put my arm around her waist and walk downstairs and I don't see the twins anywhere.

"EEEEK!!!" I hear Kori yell.

I sprint outside and I see why. Hunter found my old sword and started to swing it. Kori had a small cut on her leg from it. I run over to Hunter while Clove gets Kori. I take the sword from Hunter and he pouts. I just chuckle and pick him up.

I go over to Clove and Kori. Kori just stands up and walks away. I look at Clove confused then I see why. There's a deer in the field behind our house. That's weird, there have never been any deer here. Suddenly a giant bear like creature runs out in front of Kori. Kori screams and falls to the ground. I set Hunter down and grab my sword. I run over and swing at it.

It claws at my chest and cuts it open a little. I swing at it and it cuts its stomach but not enough to kill it. Next thing I see is a silver thing flash in front of me and into the bears eye. It roars and starts to swing its paws. I grab Kori and run her and Hunter into the house.

I run back out to see the bear has 5 knives lodged into it. There are one in each eye, one in the heart, and two in its head. It's still moving around. Clove throws another one with so much force it embeds itself into its chest. It drops to the ground and Clove falls to her knees.

I run over and kneel beside her. Hunter and Kori come out and Kori is crying into Hunters arms. They have never fought. He calms her down and I smile. Kori runs over to Clove and hugs her tight. Clove smiles and hunter walks over to me. He hugs me and I hug him back.

Thresh, Marvel, and Vista come running over to us.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" Thresh yelled kneeling down by Kori and Clove.

"Kori and Hunter were outside and Kori saw a deer. She walked over and then that bear thing came out and was about to attack Kori. Me and Clove killed it."

"Cato..." Clove says looking down.

"Clove... What's wrong?"

"Cato... That was a mutant animal from the Capital..." She says in a whisper.

I look at Thresh and Marvel. Kori and Hunter have heard about the capital. In six years Kori and Hunter have to go live in District 2. We aren't excited at all especially Clove. Hunter walks over to Clove and hugs her.

"Mommy are you ok?"

"Yes Hunter I'm fine baby. Are you ok?"

"Yes mommy." Hunter says and hugs her.

Clove hugs him and buries her head into his shaggy hair. I smile and pick up Kori. She lays her head down on my chest and soon drifts off to sleep. I will get the Capital back. They do not put my family in danger. No one puts my family in danger. I will get revenge for them almost hurting my family.

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