We're a Family Again

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I wake up in a room. I get up and look outside and I see my mom and dad. I run outside and run straight to them.

"Mom! Dad!" I yell tears are pouring out of my eyes. They turn around and they smile and run to me. My dad gets to me first and he hugs me and spins me around.

"Kori... You've turned into such a beautiful girl. I missed you sweetheart!" my dad says kissing my head. My mom walks over and hugs me tight.

"I'm so happy to have my baby back!" she says smiling. I smile and I hear my name. I turn around and see Hunter. My mom takes off and he hugs her my dad and I walk over to them and my dad engulfs him in a hug.

"I'm very proud of you Hunter. You kept her safe for as long as you could. I couldn't be more proud." My dad says smiling. We start walking and my mom stops dead in her tracks and she falls to the ground.

"MOM!" Me and Hunter tell running over to my dad who is now holding my mom. She is breathing funky and her eyes start to close. I scream and try and get to her but Hunter holds me back.

He spins me around and hugs me. I cry into his chest. My mom, my dad, my brother and I have just been reunited and this happens!!

"Shh Kori calm down ok." Hunter says sweetly. I nod and he lets go I walk behind my dad and he is walking to the hospital. He hands me his phone.

"Kori sweetheart call Thresh and tell him to go to the hospital please." My dad says. I nod and call Thresh. It rings a few times and then he answers.


"Thresh it's Kori Cato's daughter Cato wants you to come to the hospital now. Something happened to my mom. Please hurry."

"Oh honey in on my way now. Just hang in there sweetheart ok everything will be fine."

"Ok I'll see you soon."

"Bye. "

We reached the hospital and my mom and dad went into a room. Thresh walked in moments later and he pulled me into a hug. I cried and my brother rubbed my back.

"Hey shh shh Kori Clove's a fighter and I would know because I was the one who killed her in the games." Thresh said trying to lighten the mood.

We walk over and sit on the chairs. Thresh is on my left while Hunter is on my right. I lay my head on Hunters shoulder and my eyes start to get heavier by the second. Soon I'm engulfed into a dream filled sleep.

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