Big Day

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Its been 3 months sense I asked Clove to marry me and tomorrow is our wedding day. I'm so excited, I roll over and see that Clove is still sleeping. She now has a tiny baby bump stomach. She starts to shift and she rolls right into me. I tense up because I don't want to wake her up. She nuzzles her head into the crook of my neck. I slowly and gently put my arms around her petite waist.

*********************** 2 HOURS LATER*******************

Clove finally wakes up and she looks at me then starts to kiss me gently. I instantly kiss back and deepen it. Then I remember shes pregnant..... Damn..... She pulls away and starts giggling. She is so adorable when she giggles.

I get out of bed and go to take a shower. I hear Clove go down the stairs and I hear the front door open. I hear Glimmer, Rue, Amber, and Foxface.

I strip down of my clothes and get in the warm shower. When the water hits my back it soothes my tense muscles. I scrub my hair and everything. I grab a towel, wrap it around my waist and walk out into my room. I put on my boxers, sweatpants, and a tight fitting tank top.

As I walk downstairs I hear the girls and what I hear next shocks me.

"Clove you have to tell him sooner or later." Glimmer says.

"I know but... what if he gets mad at me?! Then what do I do?" I hear Clove say.

"He wont get mad as long as hes the father of your twins then he wont care!"

TWINS!!! CLOVES HAVING TWINS! Wow... I walk down the rest of the stairs and into the living room.

"Hey can you guys go I gotta talk to Clove..."

They all nod and leave. When I shut the door I walk over to Clove and kneel in front of her. She's looking down with tears in her eyes. I take my hand and wipe away the tears. I tilt her chin up so she's looking at me. I kiss her kips gently then look her in the eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me you were having twins?"

Her eyes become as big as saucers. She starts to stutter and looks around frantically as if she was looking for something. They land on me and she breaks down into tears. I hold her close and just sit her on my lap. I rub her back and place my chin on her head.

"I-I'm sorry Cato I-I was gonna tell you but I didn't know w-when."

"Shh shh baby girl I'm not mad. I was messing with you I'm excited yet scared ok? Shh baby girl calm down."

She nods and all we do the rest of the day is watch TV, cuddle, kiss, and just enjoy each others company.

************************WEDDING DAY*******************

I wake up to Thresh, Marvel, Cameron, and Vista in my room. Clove has been takin by the girls and she is getting ready.

"Get up man come on its your wedding day!" Thresh yells taking away my covers.

I launch myself out of bed and run to my closet to get my tuxedo. I put on the black pants white undershirt and black tuxedo jacket. I run to bathroom and brush my teeth, do my hair, and do it all over again. I walk out and get my shoes. Once they are on we leave to go to the woods where the wedding was held.

When we get there I stand at the altar talking with Thresh and Marvel when the music starts to play. Thresh and Marvel walk off to the side and I watch my soon to be wife walk down the aisle. My breath hitches and my mouth is hung wide open.

The dress is a long silk white dress with diamonds lining the top and around her waist. It is tight and hugs her curves and its long and flowing at the bottom. Her hair is done in an elegant side braid with white flowers in some parts of it. She looks at me and blushes a deep scarlet.

When she gets up to the altar we say our vows and our 'I do's'. The priest looks at me and asks for the rings. I take my ring and put it on her finger. She does the same with hers. The priest then says you may now kiss the bride and I kiss her passionately. I hear cheering a shouting. I pull away and see she is smiling like crazy. I take her hand and we walk down the aisle hand in hand.

We are at the after party and its a blast. We dance all night and then walk along the shore of the beach. I look at my beautiful wife in the moon light and she is gorgeous! The moon hits her face so perfectly you can see every detail on her face. Her freckles are shining in the moonlight.

I guess she feels me staring at her because she turns her head and looks at me. I smirk and pick her up and run into the water with her on my shoulder. She is laughing, screaming, and pounding on my back. I get to where the water is up to about 5 inches above my waist.

She is clinging to me so she doesn't get wet. I start to bend my knees and she is in the water. I drop her but catch her again. she is standing on my feet and her arms are around my neck. My arms are around her waist and I pull her so close our bodies are squished together. I lean down and kiss her on the lips passionately.

She pulls away and jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist. She puts her forehead against mine and kisses my nose. I chuckle and she giggles. I start to walk back but Clove whispers stop in my ear. I stop and look at her.

"Cato... I love you."

"I love you to Clover."

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