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I wake up in a white room. I look around and start to walk towards the door when I hear a groan. I walk to the curtain separating the room and pull it back. I stare in shock. I see Clove laying there while doctors are fixing her wounds. She turns her head and sees me. A huge smile goes on her face and I know one goes on mine. Brutus comes into the room with a huge smile on his face.

"Cato I must talk to you in the hallway now..." He says grabbing my arm and pulling me out. When we get out there he gives me a velvet box and I look at him shocked. I open it and I see the ring I wanted to give Clove. I look at him and he just nods his head.

"How did you get this? It must've cost a fortune!" I yell sitting on the bench outside the room. He sits next to me and doesn't say a word. OK so if your wondering what the hell I'm talking about, well before we went into the games I told Brutus that if both me and Clove mad it out then I was going ot purpose to her. I showed him the ring I wanted to get her and he said It would take years to get.

"Can I see Clove now?" I ask looking at the ground.

"No you cant you can see her tonight though." He says grabbing my arm and pulling me away from Cloves room. I follow him and I get attack by hugs from my prep team and a hug from Enobaria. She pulls away and smirks at me. I look confused at her and she just pulls me into the room where I was once waxed. Realization takes over and I groan. She chuckles and leaves with Brutus. My prep team strips me of my clothes till I'm completely naked.....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 HOURS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After waxing, bathing, more waxing, plucking, scrubbing, cutting, and more waxing I'm done. They give me a black tux with a blue bow tie. They fix my hair to its usual spikey way and they add makeup to cover the giant scar on my cheek. If you ask me the scar makes me look tougher but hey, whatever they want they can get.

I walk out of the room and we go to the stage for our interviews with Ceaser. I get back stage and Brutus and Enobaria are there. Enobaria walks over to me and smiles. I smile and start to look for Clove. I don't see Brutus anywhere. Then the elevator doors open and Brutus walks out with Clove.

My mouth drops as I look at her. She is wearing a blue dress that goes to her mid thy in the front and it goes lower in the back. I has blue jewels on it and its a strapless dress. She is wearing 4' inch heels that are the same blue as her dress and are outlined with jewels. Her hair is curled to perfection and is down by her shoulders. Her makeup consists of white eye shadow, black eye liner, blush, mascara, and shiny red lipstick. She walks over to me and looks down blushing.

"You look beautiful Clover..."

"Thank you Cato...." She says looking at me. Ceaser is about to start talking when I'm pulled back from Brutus.

"You are going to propose to her during the interview. Ceaser is going to ask how strong your love is and you will show it by proposing to her."

I nod and walk on stage holding Cloves hand. The crowd goes crazy and I smirk and wave while Clove tries to stay hidden. She hasn't been herself lately, I wonder what going on.

"Welcome Cato and Clove! Congratulations on winning!"

"Thank you Ceaser. How have you been?" I ask

"I've been fine thank you and Clove darling may I say you look awful stunning tonight." Ceaser says taking Cloves hand and kissing it.

"Thank you Ceaser." Clove says with a fake smile. Something is bothering her and I'm gonna find out.

"Well, I must say you both look like you really love each other, how strong exactly is your love?" Ceaser asks. This is it the moment that will make Panem history.

"Well Ceaser how about I show you how much?" I say with a smirk. Ceaser looks at me confused and so does Clove. I get on one knee in front of Clove and pull out the velvet box. She gasps in shock and tears start to fall from her eyes. Well.... here goes nothing...

"Clove, I love you so much. When Thresh had you in his hand about to kill you my world felt like it was going to break. I don't know what I would do without you in my life, I guess what I'm trying to say is well Clove I need you to have and to hold in my arms. So Clove Roslin Sevina, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" I ask opening the velvet box. The whole crowd 'awes' and Clove nods her head frantically I smile and place the ring on her finger.

I stand up and Clove launches herself into my arms and kisses me. The crowd goes crazy and I hear Ceaser say, " EVERYONE THE VICTORS OF THE 74 ANNUAL HUNGER GAMES!!!" We walk off stage and Brutus and Enobaria and Brutus stand there smiling. Their smiles fall and become overwhelmed with fear. Brutus runs toward us and knocks Clove down.

I stare at him shocked but I see a knife go whizzing where she would be standing and Enobaria catches it and throws it back at who threw it. The person falls to the ground and I stare shocked. Brutus helps up Clove and I pull her into my arms.

"Thank you Brutus!" I say not letting go of Clove.

"Anything for her, she's like a daughter to me." He says.

I nod and we walk off into the elevator with Clove. We get to our floor and Clove runs into her room after kicking off her heels. Me, Enobaria, and Brutus chuckle and I'm about to follow after Clove but Brutus stops me. I turn and look at him and he motions for me to sit. I sit and he looks at me.

"Cato I would like to adopt Clove."

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