Big Question

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I wake up to the bed shifting. I look over and see Clove getting out of bed and running to the bathroom. I grab the phone from the side of the table and call Thresh.

"Thresh can you Marvel and Glimmer come over now? Something is wrong with Clove."

"Yeah sure man. What's up with Clove is she ok...?"

"I don't know. Yesterday morning and now this morning she has run into the bathroom throwing up. It's really freaking me out."

"Not to be weird or anything but umm... did you guys have sex two days ago...?" Thresh asked. WHAT THE HELK KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?!

"Umm maybe..... why?"

"Dude she might be pregnant..."

"Oh my god I think your right....."

SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT! I think I did get her pregnant...

"Haha well we'll be right over ok man?"

"Yeah....i'll see you guys in a bit..."

I am literally freaking out. Did I really do that to my poor Clover? Right now I don't have time to think I need to check on Clove. I walk in and see Clove finish her second round of vomiting. Her arms start to shake and she is crying. Hers arm give out and I catch her. She just lays in my arms for a few minutes then I hear the front door open and then close a few seconds later.

Clove looks at me with curiosity.

"Its just Thresh, Marvel, and Glimmer baby girl."

She nods and leans on me for support I feel her tense up then she lunges forward for the toilet. She is shaking violently. She is covered in sweat. My baby girl... you look so fragile and hurt. Thresh, Marvel, and Glimmer walk in the bathroom door and freeze. Glimmer looks at Clove and she tears up. I gesture for her to come over. Marvel lets go of her and she walks towards Clove. She kneels down and hugs Clove tightly. Clove slightly smiles and stops shaking as much.

"Hey Clove..." Glimmer says pulling away.

"Hey Glim." Clove says laying back on me.

"Are you ok?"

"I-I think so."

Glimmer looks at me.

"You didn't tell her?"

Clove looks at me confusion written all over her delicate face. I look at Marvel and he points to Thresh who then just points back to Marvel. I look back at Glimmer.

"No..." I say shaking my head.

"Well do it now."


I gently pick up Clove and turn her so her back is on my knees and shes facing me. She grabs my biceps as a support to hold her up. She looks at me and tilts her head in confusion.

"Clover baby girl... You might be pregnant..."

Clove looks at me with big eyes. She looks at Everyone then back at me, then everyone then back at me. She grabs my face and kisses me. Ok...? so I wasn't expecting that reaction but hey I'm not complaining. She pulls away and is smiling with tears in her eyes. I MADE HER CRY!

"I am so sorry Clover I really am!"

"Cato im not mad im happy!"

"Oh well in that case I have a very important question to ask you."

"What is it Cato?"

"Clove I love you with all my heart, soul, and mind. I cant live a day without you. When Thresh killed you my world came crumbling down. My heart shattered and I didn't care what happened to me after that. I guess what im trying to say is that Clove I need you in my life," I got on one knee and pulled the velvet box out of my pocket and opened it. "Clove... Will you marry me?"

She was in tears and started to nod her head in excitement. I slipped the ring on her finger and picked her up and spun her around. Thresh, Marvel, and Glimmer were cheering and congratulated us.

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