Almost Over

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Its been almost 2 weeks and there are 6 tributes left. 11 were killed in the blood bath and the other 7 died within the  2 weeks. I walk over to Kori and I see that she is cleaning her sword and throwing her knives. I smile and then hear a canon. I spin around looking to see who it is.

I see Chambrin and Lialac walk out of the trees with their weapons raised. Our allies have turned against us... Kori sees them and stands beside me but I move her behind me. She has her knives on her and her sword in hand. I have my sword in one hand and my axe in the other.

"You ready to die?" Chambrin yells and starts walking towards us with his mace.

"You would wish that wouldn't you?" Kori says walking forward.

Lialac runs towards Kori with her spear and I know Kori didn't see she had it. Kori grabs a knife and starts running, I drop my axe and sprint after her. Lialac pulls out her spear and throws it with so much force. Kori drops to her knees and I freeze. She pulls out the spear from her stomach and drops it.

I am in a state of shock. Before she collapse to the ground she throws her knife and it embeds itself into Chambrin's head. He falls dead from the first strike unlike my sister. I get out of shock and run to Kori. She is breathing uneven and is starting to close her eyes.

"No Kori stay with me ok! Come on stay with me! Please Kori your all I have left!" I scream tears going down my face and onto hers.

"I'll see mom and dad Hunter, I'll be fine I promise." Kori says barely above a whisper.

"I-I'll see you soon ok Kori." I say and kiss her forehead. Her canon goes off and I just lay her head in my lap.

Wait shouldn't Chambrins canon have gone off already? I turn around and I see him on his feet. How is he still alive?! He takes off a... HELMET! How in the world did he.... SPONSERS! I swings his mace and it hits my arm with great force that it knocks me over and Kori's body now sprawled all over.

Lialac walks over to Kori's dead body and starts to stab it with her spear. That is where I draw the line. I get up with my axe and launch it at her leg. It hits her leg and sticks she screams and crumbles to the ground. I run over to her and pull out my axe.

I swing it and it lodges itself into her head. Her canon booms and I look up to see Chambrin charging at me with his mace. He swings it and it hits my stomach. He grabs my sword and stabs it into my stomach. I stop breathing and fall lifelessly to the ground.


I am sitting on Catos lap crying my eyes out. I just watched my daughter and son die. Cato has tried to get me to stop crying as well as Mrvel, Thresh, Glimmer, Foxface, Rue, and the rest of them. Cato rubs my back and is rocking me on his lap.

"Shh Clover baby girl listen to me ok, yes they died but it was in the games, so you know what that means right..." Cato says looking into my eyes.

Oh. My. God. THEY ARE GONNA BE BACK IN DISTRICT 23 WITH US! I wipe my tears and a smile goes on my face and one finds its way to Cato's.

"There's that beautiful smile! Now how about you go get some sleep because our daughter and son are going to be here in two days ok?" Cato says lovingly. I nod and he has everyone leave. He follows me to our room and once we are inside he closes the door and grabs my waist.

His lips automatically find mine and its a kiss full of lust and love. I jump up and wrap my legs around him and his hands go to my thys. He walks us over to the bed without breaking the kiss. He lays me down on my back and crawls above me without out squishing my tiny figure.

"I..Love...You..." He says between kisses.

I giggle and my fingers get tangled in his hair. I tug on his hair and he lets out a low growl. He starts to kiss my neck, and once he finds my sweet spot my back automatically arches up. He notices this and starts to suck and nibble on it. I let out a moan of pleasure and he smirks.

He looks me dead in the eye and kisses me with lust, passion, and love. I respond quickly and he deepens it. After about a minute we break apart just slightly. Whenever he talks his lips brush against mine.

"I love you so much Clover. You mean the world to me baby girl." Cato says smiling from ear to ear.

"I love you to Cato. So so so much."

And with that clothes go flying, love is everywhere, and I'm with the one I love more than anything in the world.

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