The Beast, Lizard and Dragon

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Aries followed where the howl was emanating from. When they arrived the saw a beast like figure wreaking havoc, destroying plants and killing animals.

 When they arrived the saw a beast like figure wreaking havoc, destroying plants and killing animals

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Aries: Stop it Orion

Orion: Oh the hippies have arrived.

Leo: What happened to you?

Orion: Oh nothing, just a little vampire venom to give me a boost.

Virgo: Vampire..... you don't mean...

Orion oh yes, thanks to him, we can finally take you guys out for good.

Aries: We?

Orion: Haha...Me, Drake, Ray, Melissa and Nathan.

Aries: Nathan? Melissa?

Orion : Oh Yeah, we knew we couldn't take on all 12 so we just had you guys separated, pretty smart, right?

Leo: Shut up, let's go.

Orion: Alright then, I'll kill you first.

Meanwhile Capricorn, Aquarius and Libra were confronting Ray.

Ray: Big mistake following me.

Capricorn: We'll see about that.

Ray: You should be honored, you are about to die in the hands of a Reptilian. ( People claim shape-shifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate human societies.)

Ray started to shift into a much larger creature.

Ray started to shift into a much larger creature

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Libra: Ew it's even Uglier than before.

Ray: Oh, I'm gonna eat you first.

Back at where the left Drake and the others.

Drake: Well since they changed, I might as well also.

Drake suddenly morphed into as dragon.

Sagittarius: Why do bad guys get to do the cool sh!t?

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Sagittarius: Why do bad guys get to do the cool sh!t?

Gemin: That's what you're mad about?

Taurus: He's not that scary.

Taurus pulled out her weapon and charged at Drake.

Sagittarius: Wait...

Before Taurus could swing Drake took to skies in hovered in clouds.

Taurus: Well this is going to be harder than I thought.

Scorpio: Why? Why are you doing this. How?

Nathan: Please please, one at a time.
First, I'm doing this because I despise you guys, and how I got these powers, we'll let's just say cherubs are actually very tasty.

Scorpio: Youre sick.

Nathan: Maybe, but now your devil skills are powerless.


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