The Three Gods

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After discussing what had happened with Aries and Cancer, the group decided to storm the council and get their friends back.

Leo: Good plan and all, but how do we do it?

Aries: Honestly I don't know, Scorpio usually does the planning.

Libra: Well we can't go in there blind.

Aries: We should prepare to fight, they might have some bodyguards.

Cancer: F*ck this I'm going now!

Aries: wait! Oh god damnit!

It was late outside, but that didn't stop the Zodiacs going to the school.

After breaking in they were met by council.

Cancer: Let us through!

No answer.

Aries: Look.

Looking closely you could see tentacles holding the catatonic bodies upright.

The bodies were suddenly thrown at the Zodiacs.

Leo: Are they dead?

Libra: More like comatosed

Suddenly a piercing shriek came from the cafeteria, cancer suddenly ran towards the sound.

Aries: Wait, Virgo Libra follow him, we'll catch up.

Libra and Virgo caught up with cancer who was standing in the middle of the room.

Libra and Virgo caught up with cancer who was standing in the middle of the room

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Sagittarius: Aww did you think I was You're girlfriend?

Virgo: Sagittarius?


Libra: Oh sh!t he got poisoned.

Cancer: I don't have time for this, I have to find Pisces.

As cancer made his way to the door he was stopped by a lightning bolt to the back.

Virgo: Cancer! Why Sagittarius?

Libra: He's not Sagittarius, he thinks he's Zeus now.

Sagittarius: How dare you attempt to leave. I'll shall punish you.

Cancer slowly got up and faced Sagittarius.

Cancer: Bring it on, Saggi.

Sagittarius: I'LL KILL YOU FIRST!!

Meanwhile back at the group

Gemini: where did they go?

Aries: Just keep going.

Aries was trailing behind the group until she saw a mysterious figure in a classroom.

Aries stopped and walked inside.

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