The Imposter

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While Taurus and the others fighting Drake, Libra is trying to find Ray with Aquarius and Capricorn.

Libra: hey aqua, did you find him?

Aquarius: no I haven't, it's like he disappeared, where's Capricorn.

*coming out from the shadows*

Capricorn: I'm here, no luck

Libra: you okay cap?
You don't look alright.

Capricorn: I'm fine, just really tired.

Just then a gear golem appeared from the ground.

Just then a gear golem appeared from the ground

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Aquarius: what is that?

Gear golem: it's me, Capricorn, and that's Ray next to you.

Rays skin fell off, revealing his true form

Ray ejected spines towards Libra, she blocked most of it but one of them hit, Libra threw the spine back making Ray retreat into the dense forest

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Ray ejected spines towards Libra, she blocked most of it but one of them hit,
Libra threw the spine back making Ray retreat into the dense forest.

The three waited in caution waiting for a surprise attack.

Ray emerged out of nowhere and lunged at Aquarius but was blocked by a huge tree like beast.

Ray emerged out of nowhere and lunged at Aquarius but was blocked by a huge tree like beast

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Capricorn held Ray down while the tree beast pounded him to the ground.

After ray had been incapacitated Aquarius told the beast to return and Capricorn converted back.

Libra: sweet, let's go find the others.

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