Prologue Prep High

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The zodiacs vacation was coming to an end and Scorpio decided to debrief their next mission.

Scorpio: ok everyone we have been assigned to another school to investigate weird

Aries: Phenomenons?

Scorpio: Yes, thanks

Leo: What school?

Scorpio: Prologue Prep Academy

Aquarius: What? Why?

Virgo: Yeah isn't that full of those preppy kids?

Gemini: Preppy kids

Scorpio: Those preppy kids are descendents, like us but from fairytales, you know princesses, witches and stuff

Libra: Yeah, and they're all full of them selves just because they think they're royalty.

Capricorn: come on think on bright side, Good looking Princes and beautiful princesses

Leo: Princesses?

Taurus: Prince?

Sagittarius: Its not just royalty, there's relatives of superheroes, villains, old stories from our childhood.

Pisces: Sounds fun maybe we will awesome people

Cancer: I don't need to meet a princess when I have one already.
*grabs Pisces and kisses her*

Pisces: awww I love you too.

Scorpio: ok ok, I see that we're getting carried away, this is an undercover mission, no one can know who we are and why we're there.

Aries: first, why are we doing this? And how are we going to blend in?

Libra: Yeah we can't just claim to Rapunzel or Prince charming

Leo: Speak for yourself, have you seen me?


Scorpio: we qualify to attend this under our own names because we're related to mythology, which is technically a story.
As for why, our client is funding our schools remodeling.

And we'll have to look the part,as in Preppy which means new clothes, contacts, dye your hair, cut it whatever, just don't look like you're going into battle.

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