Morning Routine

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Scorpio: what do you want?

The tall slender figure stepped out of the shadow.

Lucifer: I'm here to make sure you and your team are fine.

Scorpio: that's not all, what else.

Lucifer: ok ok, I'm here with an assignment.
Our school will be under construction. Another high school has asked for your assistance.

Scorpio: who and what kind of assignment.

Lucifer: everything you need to know is in this packet,

Lucifer begins to hand Scorpio the packet but stops.

Lucifer: Do you accept?

Scorpio:.... I am confident in my team, that we'll achieve our goal. But we'll need some time to recover from what happened.

Lucifer: understandable, just let me know when you'll be ready.

Scorpio receives the information from Lucifer, after Lucifer left Scorpio went over the packet with Aries.

Aries: This seems fine, but we're gonna stick out like sore thumbs

Scorpio: I'm working on our identities.

*******Morning time*******

Taurus: *running around the house screaming* YAAAY!!! NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL

Libra: Shhhhh! Some of the others are still sleeping!

Sagittarius: others? It's just Aquarius, Gemini and Scorpio who are still sleeping.

Leo and Aries walk in

Leo: So Aries you got any plans for the vacation time we got?

Aries: ummm why are you asking me? Someone else is planning the activities.

Leo: I don't know I was wondering if you would like to you know, hang out.

Aries: I'm pretty sure we're all gonna hang out, that's what the vacation is for.

Aries heads towards Scorpios room to wake him up.

Leo: she's just playing hard to get.

Sagittarius and Libra just stood there glaring at the oblivious Leo.

Meanwhile in Aquarius' room

Aquarius: *waking up on her bed*
😲 did I share a bed with Gemini?
Wait, where is he?

Aquarius got up and heard the shower running.

Aquarius: 😶😶 he's in my shower,

Just then the water stopped

Gemini: Aww man

Aquarius: are you ok Gemini?

Gemini: Uhh umm can you give me a towel? I didn't bring one.

Aquarius: o..o..ok
*inside her head* what? Me go in there while he's naked?
It's ok I'll just give it to him with my eyes close, but wait, what if that makes him feel bad?
You know what this is my bathroom I can walk in there with no problem.

Gemini: Aquarius?

Aquarius: C..C...Coming

Aquarius grabbed a towel and walked towards the bathroom, took a deep breath and opened the door wide.

Gemini: Ahhh!

Aquarius: Ahhh! Why are you screaming?

Gemini: you didn't have to open the door all the way, just slide through a small opening

They both stood there speechless.


Aquarius: what! You're in my bathroom,

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Aquarius: what! You're in my bathroom,

Aquarius shut the door quickly and walked back to her bed.

Gemini: ummm Aquarius?

Aquarius: what!

Gemini: I still don't have a towel...


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