Chapter 17: "#Nervous"

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My phone vibrates from all the text cuaseing me to wake up. I look at my phone and see a group chat called Court group...

I go to see who's in it and it says:

I text: When's this?
Emma: Are you serous?
Me: Huh?
Jackson: IT'S TODAY!! 😧
Me: SHIT!! WHEN!?!?
Emma: It starts in 10 min.

I turn off my phone and run to my closest to get some clothes on for court.

I'm fighting for you Kyle.

Chapter 17: "#Jail"

I walk into the building where it is being held. I see Zoey and run up to her.

"We are just about to start." Zoey says looking nervous.

"Why are you so nervous?" I ask

"We should have to fight them." Zoey says

"What do you mean?" I ask

"He clearly shot Kyle. Which mean someone cheated." Zoey says


"Conviced of blacked mailed the judge." Zoey says

What she said was tottaly true. He should be going straight to jail.

"We are about to start." Jackson says

I take a deep breath and say "Im ready."

Lyla's P.O.V.

"I should be there." Lya says as the nurse preps me for starts to give me shots

"You should, but you cant." Alex says holding my hand "I know how much me means to you but you can't beat yourself up because of him."

"Your right." I say with a sigh

The nurse says "This is gonna knock you out."

She gives me a shot and it slowly goes black.

Sam's P.O.V.

The court didnt want me today, they said something about that I would have to show up tommrrow.

This is all my fault. All if it. I let Kyle save me. He is fighting for his life while I'm acting like a coward. I my blad and put it on mh wrist.

I slowly slice my wrist and think about the Snow Ball. Bright red blood starts to come out. I keep on cutting. K start to think of the night my girlfriend jumped out the window and the glass braking into small pieces. Small. Small. Pieces. Her body fallinh haunts me. The way it fell, it fell like a fallen angle.

Blood starts to come out till I notice I was going too far. I stop and put my wrist under the water in the sink. The clear water starts to turn red. I grab ten bandaids to stop it from bleeding. It worked. For now.

I could of just killed myself. I could of went too far and died. The images of blood makes my stomach turn. I look at the blood in the sink and I faint. I hit my head on the sick.

It goes black.

Nathan's P.O.V.

"Tell us what you saw that night." The Judge looks at me

"When I went to look for Kyle because he got upset. I found him bleeding." I pause because I start to tear up "and I say Will holding the gun then dropping it."

The lawyer fighting for Will says "And why was Kyle upset."

"We just got into a fight." I say

"Or was it because he found drugs and you got mad and shot him?" The Lawyer says holding the bag of weed that was snuck into my pocket

"I DIDNT HURT HIM!!!" I yell with full rage "Im sorry."

I look at the bag.

"We have a video of the Snow Ball and Kyle finding your drugs." The Lawyer says

"But we have an eye witness." Kyles lawyer says

"Thats all you-"

"ENOUGH!" The judge says slaming thr hammer "Let me see the video. After, I see it I will end this and I will think about what really happened."

The video plays.

Sam's P.O.V.

I wake up on the bathroom floor. I get up and notice a huge bump on my head. I must of hit my head when I fell.

Fell...I see her body fly in the air and hit the ground so hard a hear a crack. I think of Kyles body falling. A huge bloody hole and then he just fell. He just hit the ground.

I try to open the bathroom door but I could barely walk. I could barely move from the images I see in my mind.

Blood. Blood from my cut. Blood on the glass as she jumped out. Blood on Kykes stomach.

I scream!

I take a deep breath and scream more. Im home alone so I run to my deck and look down.

How would it feel to just fall. To let go. To fly.

I hop over the deck putting my feet onto the very ege of it. Im about to take my hands off and fall.


I see her body fly out of the window from the party. My girlfriend flying and then CRACK!


I see the bullet hit Kyke. I see him look at me and then just fall.


"SAM!!!!" Jackson yells

I let go because I didn't know her was there.

"SAM!" Jackson yells running over to the ege

I fall.

I fall right into my pool. My feet sting. As I swim up trying not to drone. Jackson runs down and pulls me out of the water. He grabs me a hugs me.

"Sam, don't ever do that." Jackson says huging me hard "Please."

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