"What are bo-oks?"

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"What are bucks?" My little sister asked climbing to sit on the couch by me. I glanced from my book to look over at her. 

"Bucks?" I asked back trying to clarify what she was saying. 

"No," Janie sighed shaking her head. She looked at the book in my hand and stared intently at it. 

"Books." I stated after a while knowing that was the word she was trying to pronounce. 

"Yeah, bucks." Janie said bouncing excitedly. I smiled at how cute she was; soaking in this good moment. 

"Bo-ok. Book. Say it Janie." I told her pronouncing the word so she can repeat it to me. 

"Bo-ok. Book." Janie said repeating what I said. "Now what's a- bo-ok. Book." Janie asked very slowly. 

"Books are magic." I smiled a little whispering lowly to Janie. 

"Magic?!" Janie screamed at me curiously, while jumping up on the couch. Both her tiny feet covered in dirty sponge bob socks. 

"Shh-" I said quickly, "you have to keep down. Only the really quiet people know about the magic in books." I whispered looking around for effect. 

"Okay. Tell me magic." Janie ordered quietly  scooting closer to me. I swear five year old's can get really bossy.

"Okay, like I said before books are magic. Each book holds a different story and they all have different titles." I started using my hands for emphasis. "Now every book has a different story that takes you to amazing places, but only the most special of all special people can read with magic." I told Janie watching her eyes light up with curiosity. 

"Can you read me this book?" Janie asked me grabbing my hand to bring the book down just a little. 

"Of course I will, but remember only the special people get to experience magic." 

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