"It's my birthday?"

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I'm sure some one out there in America would be able to agree with me that on a Saturday, waking up is not your first priority. If this is to be held true, please please explain to me why my whole entire family is in my room right now? Making the space seem smaller than it already is. 

"Is she dead?" I heard my little brother ask, before he starts to poke me. 

"It would be so awesome if she was dead." My little brother's twin sister said. 

"I swear to god." I mumbled into the pillow trying to understand why they're torturing me in the most evil way possible. 

"Alright now stop poking your sister's dead body." My dad said scooping them both up. 

"Please leave." I begged hoping they would just magically poof away. 

"Farah, please just wake up. How can you sleep on such an important day?" My mother's voice sounded from the door. 

"Because it's Saturday?" I asked a little lost. The twins started arguing and my mom was yelling to get them under control, while I just laid in bed; my head buried deep in my pillow. 

"Farah, just put on a dress and be ready in thirty minutes alright." My dad "asked" nicely shoving everyone out of my room. 

"Whhhy?" I groaned into the pillow kicking my feet against the bed several times. Eventually-after twenty more wonderful minutes of rest- I got up. 

"A dress?" I asked myself aloud, voicing my thoughts. "A dress." I stated bluntly this time, looking through my closet full of jeans and T-shirts. 

"Honey why are you not dressed yet?" My mother asked barging into my room. 

"I don't own a dress." I said scratching the top of my head, that felt like a birds nest. 

"Oh, I almost forgot!" My mother shouted running out of my room. I stared at the door really confused and my headache was only getting worse. 

It's all that over thinking your doing on a sat-ur-day! 

My brain yelled out in protest, while the bed called my name. 

"Here hon, now hurry up." My mom said handing me a big white box with a blue bow around it. 

"Is this a present?" I called out after her more confused than I've ever been in my whole life.

And of course, because today wants to be so weird I got no reply. 

"Worst Saturday ever." I grumbled. 


Twenty minutes later I'm wearing a baby blue high low dress with my hair all done up; stuck in the middle seat with arguing twin siblings. My mother and Father are sitting in the front seat singing some- actually i have no idea what they're singing. 

"Are we almost there yet?" I begged banging my head immaturely against the head rest. 

"Sure thing." My dad answered back. 

Sure thing? What does that even mean? 

"Okay honey, put this on." My mom said tossing back a black scarf. Doing the only logically thing I tied it around my neck, but when my mom looked back she laughed. 

"No hon around your eyes." She said slowly to me motioning her hands over her eyes. 

"Oh." Was all I said, before tying it over my eyes. 

"Why do I have to wear this?" I asked looking at complete darkness. 

"It's a surprise." The twins answered together poking my belly with their fingers. 

The car stopped a while later and both the twins jumped out giggling. I felt my father take my hand and pull me out of the car. We started walking on some bumpy stuff and all I wanted was to sleep. 

"Okay on the count of three." i heard my mom whisper. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY FARAH!" The blind fold was pulled off of my face and a group of people stood in front of me. 

This is how I ended up in front of a whole bunch of people, with finger stains on the belly of my dress, asking the most idiotic question

"It's my birthday?" 

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