The beastie boys, no sleep til brooklyn

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You know what a good car song is, when you're going to Brooklyn? 

The Beastie Boys- No sleep til' Brooklyn. 

And that song described everything I felt right now. I've been driving from Georgia to New York for 12 hours straight. My energy levels are based off of Five hour energy and the beastie boys on repeat. My best friend was sitting in the passenger sit sleeping her life away, while I'm rocking my head to an empty road. 

"NO" The radio chanted to me. 

"NO!" I repeated back to it, tapping the steering wheel to a beat. 




"BROOKLYN!" I chanted along with the radio. I tapped the drum solo to the steering wheel, because by now I had it down to a science. 

I sang along with the Beastie Boys for a good 30 minutes, before I got sick of them. Well you know what they say; all good things must come to an end. Just like this car ride and me driving, because I needed some sleep. 

I guess I'll sleep until we get to Brooklyn. I slapped my best friend's cheek, while I pulled over the car. She hit my back on my thigh and I smacked her again, 

"Get up you twit our driving. I have the Beastie Boys in the player." I told her getting out of my seat. Unlike me, she does not have an undying love for the band of the 80's, so of course she switches my disc for a Bruno Mars one. 

Well at least I can get some sleep now. 



IT'S SO SHORT I HATE IT, BUT HOW DO YOU WRITE ABOUT A ROCK SONG?! Anywho it's done dudes. So vote and comment and stuff yep


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