"The light left her eyes..."

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Blood, There was blood everywhere and right now that was all 14 year old Julie could see. Her mother lay down in the middle of the street right across from the restaurant they were suposed to meet at. Blood seeped out of her chest and a group of people crowded around her body. 

Only for a second did Julie take her eyes of her mother, to catch a man in a black coat walk away. Continuously he looked back over his shoulder and when he caught Julie's eye he disappeared around the corner. 

Then she heard a scream. Some women from the group of people called out, 

"She keeps saying Julie and lunch. Has anyone called 911?" 

"I'm Julie." Julie spoke, but not loud enough. She couldn't catch her voice. 

"I'm Julie." Julie said louder this time hesitantly jogging overto the crowd. "I'm Julie." Julie said moving people aside. 

"Julie." Julie's mom said in an inaudible whisper. 

"Mom, please don't die." Julie begged her mother. Though she knew begging would get her no where. 

"Julie." An ambualnce pulled up, finally, and asked everyone to move aside. 

"Mom." Julie choked back tears as the EMT tore her hand from her mother's. 

"Young lady we will take care of your mother." A lady said trying to catch Julie's attention, but she didn't see what Julie saw. She didn't feel what Julie felt, she didn't know what Julie knew.

The light had already left her eyes, her skin was running cold. She was dead, Julie had lost her.

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