"I just wish this awkward moment could have been ...private"

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Awkward moments. I don't know about you, but personally I live for them. I just wish this awkward moment could have been in private rather than in a crowded restaurant. 

"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT I DON'T GET A PISSED OFF WHEN YOU TAKE MY FOOD!" Grange yelled from on top of a Five Guys table. He told me to get "dressed up-up-up-up" for tonight. So I did; naturally I thought he was taking me to a nice restaurant, so I was all ready: in heels, a dress that stopped a my knees, and my hair in this weird bun my mom helped me with.

40 minutes earlier

"I will not put that on!" I practically yelled at Grange, my voice echoing down the street. I saw him force down his contagious smile, which was impossible because the two were a package deal.

"Please?" Grange asked halfheartedly smiling a little. I smiled only, because I enjoy looking at his smile.

"No, I won't but your really cute." I told him standing on my tip toes to peck his lips. Grange wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I was so in to the kiss we were sharing on the front lawn, I didn't even notice how he was slowly tying the scarf around my eyes.

"Grange!" I shouted, starting to struggle at the last minute. It was pointless.

"Beautiful." Grange said kissing my nose and stepping away. I could hear the front door opening and I knew this is one of those camera moments. My parents are obsessed with pictures. I have at least ten pictures for every date I've been on with Grange.

"Grange you got it on her. I didn't think it would be that easy." I could hear my mom yell across the lawn. I wanted to face palm so badly, but I resisted.

"Okay you two say cheese." I could hear my dad sing. My mom counted down from three and the shutter of the camera shouted. We went through this process approx. ten more times, before they let us go.

"Where are we going?" I asked Grange after giving him the cold shoulder for ten minutes. I could feel his smile fill up the car and make it brighter. As I said before Grange's smile is contagious, so I smiled just imagining him smiling.

"It is a secret." Grange whispered mixing a laugh in at the end. I rolled my eyes as best as I could with the scarf around my eyes. Ten minutes later the car stopped and I was antsy.

"Come along princess." Grange said helping me out of the car. Instead of letting my feet hit the ground, Grange practically made me, wrap my legs around his waist like a child. He carried me into what I thought was a fancy restaurant, in my nice dress, with me begging and laughing for him to put me down.

"Okay are you ready?" Grange asked putting me in my feet now.

"Mayes." I said putting maybe and yes together. Grange did his cute chuckle and kissed my cheek. I felt Grange untie the knot in the scarf, that I didn't tie really tight. It fell from my eyes and I was faced with a red sign.

Five Guys

"Grange!" I shouted at him hitting his chest. This is the same Five Guys we went to on our first date, and since then it's been our spot. Grange dragged me in, literally. I had my heels dug into the ground and Grange just pulled me in without struggle.

"I'm mad at you." I mumbled trying to maintain some form of normalness.

"You won't be in a few minutes." Grange responded.


This is how my date with Grange turned from a romantic dinner into an awkwardly adorable dinner.

"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT I WON'T EVEN WORRY THAT YOU HAVEN'T SAID ANYTHING BACK YET, BECAUSE I KNOW YOU WERE DAYDREAMING!" Grange shouted this time off the table. I smiled at him which made him smile down at me.

"I love you too you idiot." I said to Grange with a smile one my face.

"I'M SORRY I DIDN'T HEAR YOU!" Grange shouted smiling as much as I.

"I LOVE YOU TOO YOU IDIOT!" I shouted at him. If it was possible Grange's smile got bigger; he jumped off the table and right in front of me. People backed away smiling at us; Grange wrapped his arms around my waist, his body towering over me.

"I love you." He said to me somewhat whispering.

"I love you." I told him back, standing on my tippy toes kissing his lips without hesitation.


Here's another one socks. I'm stuck in bed today sick! Gross I know.


cause it makes me happy


cause I like them


cause you can.

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