"How does kissing work?"

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When he escorted me to the door I decided to ask myself,

"How does kissing work?" 

Seriously. What's so romantic about two people on a first date swapping spit with each other? 

What's so cute and adorable about two noses being awkwardly shoved to the side to make room for lips just so they can share germs. 

Frankly I found nothing attractive about the whole bumping noses and swapping spit thing, so I wasn't sure how anyone could find this sensual. 

So we did the cliche thing they do in the movies, the both of us trying to carry on small talk as he walked me to my front door. I knew my whole family was probably watching me from my brothers window. Mostly only my moms and my brother not by choice. 

"So..." He said once we reached the door. I stood there in the cold spring night, rocking back and forth on my heels, waiting for something movie like to happen. After to minutes of him trying to stare passionately into my eyes, I decided it was time to go. 

"So...see you soon." I said rushing out the last part turning around quickly. Then he held onto my elbow before I could make the great escape. 

"Wait, Nyla-" He said bringing me closer to him. I so badly wanted to roll my eyes, because he totally got this out of a wattpad story. 

"Before you go I want to..." Then he kissed me. So now his lips were rubbing forcefully up against my lips that weren't moving at all. So his spit was just sitting on top of my lips, so it was basically like he was kissing himself. 

When he finished making out alone he pulled his mouth away from mines awkwardly. 

"See you soon." He whispered before "pecking" my lips once more, but it felt more like a stab with his teeth. 

"Yeah." I awkwardly said walking into the house. 


Describes the kiss. 


Describes how I feel

"Ahhh our baby just had her first kiss! How was it is he a good kisser?" My mom asked. 

"No, he is not. All I felt was spit." I complained slumping in a living room chair. 

"Ahh you wouldn't know it was your first kiss." 

Normal.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora