"I bet dying sucks"

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I bet dying sucks. I mean I know it would suck if I was being buried six feet under ground; no life left in you, because your just...dead. 

I stood in the cemetery watching my mums friend get buried 6ft under, while she cried on my shoulder. This is my fourth funeral, since I was three. The sky must have known that today in Whitsworth it was a bad day, because the clouds were doing it's thing; darkening but producing no rain. 

"...you can only carry pain for so long." I heard the sister say as final words. Everyone took turns throwing black roses into the hold that was dug. People said their last words and then they left silently; everyone whispering to the person next to them how great of a person she had been. 

I wondered if they ever said that to her face, when she was alive. 

"She stil owed me money, damn-it." I heard a man say as her casket was buried lower and lower. I smiled as I tried to keep my mother stable. 

"A very good women she was." My mother kept whispering to herself, while looking out the window. I was driving us back to the house, because I knew she wasn't in the condition to do it herself. I know I would sound like a horrible person if I said I didn't know her name, but really I don't. 

I only met her a handful of times, even though my mother swears on her life that she was her best friend. I mean seriously I see my father more than I saw her. 

"Always so kind to everyone." My mother mumbled as she got out of the car. I wish I could be depressed as everyone else, but I don't feel broken hearts anymore. Not after what happened long ago. 



i know I just don't have that spark today. I pinky promise the next one will be so much better. 

- Socks





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