"Obviously they have no issues with PDA."

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Are they supposed to be this depressing? 

The bride is late, which of course made the groom automatically thinks she's not showing up. Some how two little twins found the reception room and ate some of the cake. They claim they didn't do it, but the stains on their shirts say other wise. 

My mother is talking to my uncle Frank about her foot fungus (poor uncle Frank). I am in desperate need of a restroom right now and I have the worst headache.

"She's here!" Someone exclaimed from the entrance doors. Thank god! The piano and violin players got into place, and began playng the traditional Here comes the bride. 

"Oh honey I am so sorry. My dress got ripped and Sarah says I had a nervous break down." The bride said loudly running down the aisle with her maids in tow. 

"God, I  thought you forgot about me." The groom said. You know this reminds me of a poorly written rom/com I saw on Saturday. 

"Of course not. I would never leave you and Mr. Pow." She said still speaking loudly. They both laughed like it was an inside joke, but I feel like everyone knew they were talking about his penis. 

"So shall we begin?" The priest asked the couple, who were conviently making out in front of everyone. Obviously they have no issues with PDA. My mother swears I'm related to all these crazy people, but frankly I think she's lying. I glanced over at her and saw she was still trying to tell Uncle Frank about her nasty toes. 

"No one cares about your fungus mom." I told her under my breath nudging her shoulder with my own. People erupted into claps as the couple said I do and kissed. I rolled my eyes and stood up myself. 

You know how they say Karma's a Bitch? Yeah well she must have been pretty upset with me, because I threw up. 

On the bride

For a rather long time actually. It's pretty impressive. 

Her shrieks were all I heard as I continued to puke on her white torn dress. 

I hope it wasn't a rent out. 

"This dress was a rent out!" She shouted as I wiped my mouth. 

Tough luck gettng that stain removed. 


Sorry for the wait socks, tough week. 

Normal.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora