"Juice Box."

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Fall is my favorite season now. I decided this way back when I was in New York. A walk through the park to clear my head from a bad break up, and I saw the most beautiful women...on a picture of course. 

The picture was the kind that come out of old Polaroid camera's, but the date was only set back to last week. 


Last week.  

She had a baby face that only read cuteness, but to me she could hold her own. Her hair was dark brown and it fell to only her mid-neck. She was smiling, but she wasn't look at the camera. Her head was down as if she didn't understand how beautiful she really was. 

I didn't know her, but in my head she wasn't perfect. She was actually far from it, which made her perfect to me. 

Next to the date was the word 

Juice box. 

For me that was her name, and that was enough. 


"Dude hurry up and take the picture my fucking feet hurt." Arianna shouted at her brother. The were on another bonding road trip that their parents made them go on together. 

"You know yelling at me is not very nice." Adrian, her brother, said to her. 

"Being an ignorant ass isn't nice either." Arianna retaliated. Adrian was used to his sisters sourness, so he just rolled his eyes in response. 

"Try to not look like a bitch in this picture." Adrian said to her. Arianna managed a smile, never loving the way she looked on camera. Arianna looked down and smiled at the ground waiting for her brother to count down to three. 

"Okay got it." Adrian said concentrating on airing the Polaroid picture out. 

"Marker please." Arianna said reaching her hand out for the marker. She wrote down the days date and then the word Juice box. 

"Juice box?" Adrian asked curious. 

"I like the name." Arianna answered simply, "Okay now your turn." Arianna grabbed the camera from her brother ready to take a picture. 

"No shitty picture this time." Adrian complained referring to all the pictures Arianna had taken of him so far. 

"You already no it's going to be shitty, so don't bother." Arianna told him. 

"It was worth a try." Adrian said sighing, tucking his hands in his pocket staring at the camera. 


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