"Virginities will be lost, phones will be stolen and vases will be broken."

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Ugly. That's all I saw staring at myself in the mirror. 

Ugly hair.

Ugly face.

Ugly smile.

 Oh my lord, and very ugly teeth.

Ugly belly.

Ugly thighs.

Ugly me.

It was stupid I guess, but this dress I was wearing high lighted everything I hated about myself the most.   

"Halo we need to go the party is starting soon." My friend called me by my nick name from my room. 

"I don't want to go." I stated for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. 

"Halo seriously? You're going I don't care if I have to wrap you in duck tape; stick you in my trunk and go. You are going." Dismay said opening the door. 

"Why? I mean who's going to be there anyways?" I asked. Reluctantly I slipped on my shoes. 

"The entire school population! That's who!" Dismay said hurrying me down, the stairs, past my parents, and out the door. 

"I hate you." I grumbled in the car. I sat in the back seat with one of Dismay's boy friend's, best friends, while he continuously tried slipping his disgusting hand up my thigh. 

"Dismay please god tell me we are almost there." I begged Dismay as the car came to another stop light. 

"Yeah, yeah. Just around the corner you impatient girl. 

"Dude stop with your hand. It's gross and you make me want to puke." I said to the guy sitting next to me. This made him remove his hand and slink his way to his side of the car. 

"Come on Halo!" Dismay happily shouted jumping out of the car and into the breezy night. 

"I hate you so much." I said to her again thankful to get away form the car. 

"Okay I'll be right back." Dismay said quickly ditching me by the crowded front door. 

This party was not exclusive to only Seniors, this party was open to any one who happened to walk in. Virginities will be lost, phones will be stolen and vases will be broken. 

Right back, must not mean right back any more. Dismay was gone for at least thirty minutes. This was ridiculous.

"Halo, please come here!" I could here Dismay shout over the crowd. It was distant though, I wasn't even sure if I actually heard her. I walked into the sea of people anyways, drowning in sweat and music. 

As cliche as this next part may sound I swear it happened. 

As I tried forcing my way through the crowd I was shoved against a wall, and in an instant lips touched mine. I know gross right. This was different though his breath tasted like stride gum and snickers. To me they taste amazing together. 

At first I tried stopping it, but what was the point? Whoever this absolutely amazing kisser was, deserved the part of my first kiss. 

"Oh my god who are you?" I asked while I was gasping for breath. This stranger ran his hands up my body and suddenly-despite how warm he was-my body got cold. 

"You are so beautiful." I heard him say. He kissed my lips once more and then walked away. 





"Oh god Halo there you are." 

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