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We hadn't moved since Arrow left. We stood, frozen, the guard's eyes boring into us. Why did they have to take Arrow, this is Beast's fault. He should've been the only one to be in trouble. No, this was my fault. If only I would've kept my mouth shut. Why are we even here? I glanced up as Mr. Hyde reinterred the room. My eyes met his, and I was sickened that in his eyes, I saw nothing. No emotion whatsoever.

"Thunder, your next please," He said in his booming voice. I nodded my head before silently walked into the hallway. I had almost forgotten the white emptiness that the compound held. The brief conversation between us in the observation room had actually given me a sense of comfort that was long gone by now. "Room 12" he directed me, the guard staying close at my heels. I nodded once again before my dead feet inched me toward it. The walk there felt as if it took forever, but not as long as I wished it would've. The guard wasted no time sliding his key card to unlock the door, and shoving me in. I barely had time to turn around to see that the door had been locked once more. I began observing my surroundings, finding only darkness. No light snuck in anywhere. I walked blindly forward, my arms held out in front of me, until I hit a wall. Smooth, and black. I continued running my hand down the wall until I hit a corner, then my hands raced down that wall, until there was another corner. A four by four room, of smooth cold steel, and I was locked in it. I leaned against a wall and aloud my body to sink down; my head fell into my arms. Trapped, again, the only question was what awful thing they would do this time. Then I felt the heat.


Mr. Hyde returned with a sickening grin, and announced that I would be the next to go. I made my way to room nineteen as I had been told, but before the door opened, I heard it. The bloodcurdling scream from room sixteen. Who was in there, what was happening. I began taking a step towards it, but powerful shove, sent me falling to the ground of room nineteen with an ughf. I had to squint at first the light in the room were bright and hot. When my eyes came into focus it took me a moment to realize that not only had the guard followed me in here upon locking the door but he was wearing a surgical mask. I swallowed hard, before continuing to glance around the room around me. In the center was a bright blue dentist chair. Next to it was a tray covered in a white sheet. An observation window sat opposite from the door. The idea that these people might actually watch me being torch red sickened me, I was oblivious to what may happen to me in this room, but I was convinced it wouldn't give me the "warm fuzzy" feeling. I rose to open the door which I already knew was locked, but the guards hand gripped hold of me, and once again I was being lifted up and thrown down, only now onto the chair. I was still slightly in a daze but began to struggle against the guard, who began strapping me to the chair. His eyes held nothing but anger, and I could tell they also held no remorse. My breath quickened a sheer terror began infecting my body. I screamed


There were only two of us left, so I wasn't surprised when I was called outside the room next. These people, they get away with everything. If I could, I would kill them all using the punishments they performed for us. I felt myself being lifted from behind. The guard was powerful and I stood no chance against him, but I fought anyway, kicking, punching, I even went so far as to bite his shoulder which I was slung across. Before I knew it, I was tied with my hands behind my back, and a noose around my neck, I was barely able to touch the floor .The guard left after his job had been done, and the floor began filling with water. It stopped at my shins, the water was cold and hot, at the same time, and chills ran up my spine and back down in a shaky thread. I attempted to rid the noose from my neck with no luck. If the only intention was to possibly strangle me, then this was a simple trap compared to the others I was used to. Then a large crack was release from beneath the water, and what seemed like hundreds of sharp toothed fish, began to attack my submerged feet.


Great, I hate being in trouble. I walked into the open door of room 20 to reveal another hallway. When the door abruptly closed behind me I was shocked to see that Mr. Hyde had actually followed me into the room. "Shall we" he walked in front of me. Robotically, I followed. At the end of the hallway there was another door, and using a retina scanner, Mr. Hyde opened the door and gestured for me to go in. Another white room, only long like a hallway, and screens shone in the corner. There were 10 observation windows and the screens were looking up in between the gaps of them, a door on the end. "Come with me." Mr. Hyde began walking down the hallway room with an assured sense of confidence. I had to jog to catch up with him.

"Where are we going?"

"You're different from the others Eagle." His voice interrupting the quiet.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand" I looked back the way we came, as he swiped his key card that opened to a similar hallway.

"You, you are the prime carrier of the serum. It has bonded with your blood better than it has the others. You are the answer." He paused seemingly lost in thought at the next door. What did he mean I was the prime carrier? That it had bonded with my blood.

"What exactly does that mean, prime carrier?" I asked, standing close to the sealed door. He used his key card once again and ushered me into another long room, except this one had no door at the end.

"We need you. With the serum bonding with your blood, it opens all new opportunities, new possibilities, more testing is available. Eagle, we're ready for phase two. But we need your consent. You may be apart of the test but you still hold a fraction of power. While you're in here, please consider that." A scream broke out from the closest window, and I turned my attention to it. Then another, all the way down the room. I turned to Mr. Hyde, hoping he'd have an answer, but  he was gone. I approached the first window. A red glow burned from within, and I saw Thunder. He screamed, and I saw the blisters forming on his skin. He was being cooked alive. A yell came from further down. I passed to the screen. Beast, red faced from asphyxiation and pain, as piranhas gnawed on his feet turning the surrounding water a sharp pink. I heard a bang on Thunders window, and he pleaded for help, begged for help. I banged back on the glass letting him know I was there. His screams begging me to help him, which is all I wanted to do. But there was no way. The glass would never break; it was designed to not break. There was no way for me to help him. A much louder scream from the screen towards the end. I ran to it. Arrow, swollen lumps lay inside his skin. They were moving, wriggling in twitching movements, Giant beetles surrounded him. Arrow screamed in pain. I wanted so badly to help, but I couldn't and it hurt more than anything. Another scream. I turned my attention to the last observation window. Ghost was strapped to a dentist chair; with already several needles plunged into her skin. Arms, legs, neck, chest, more being thrust into her by a guard wearing a surgical mask. She screamed again and I banged with all my might on the window. But there was nothing I could do. I would be forced to watch them suffer.

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