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We inspected the door that led to the hallway. No handles, it would only open from the outside. I picked at my nails, lost in thought about how to open the door. Electric sensors, maybe we can fry the circuits, or cause a power outage. A power outage could unlock the doors or cause lockdown. They probably have emergency generators.

"Ghost, stop." Arrow grabbed my hand to stop me from yanking the rest of my nail off. Blood pooling at the hangnail I had unwittingly created. I stuck my thumb in my mouth, sucking the blood before it could stain my white shirt.

"Wait, keep doing that, if They think you're injured they'll open the door." Beast said.

"Maybe, it's not like it's the first time I've done this." I said, inspecting the hangnail.

"But if it gets really bad they'll take you to medical."

"Then we have to deal with whoever opens the door" Eagle stated, he glanced at the observation wall in concentration. If we waited the whole hour, the guards would without a doubt be prepared and in an abundance. If we were going to do this, we had to do it now.
    I bit down on the remaining nail and pulled until it gave way, then squeezed the finger to force the blood flow to exit. it slid smoothly and gathered in my no longer present nail before dripping to the floor. Once, twice, by the seventh drop, the door opened. I looked up at the muscular, burly man who stood in the doorway.
    "c'mon, I'm on break." He bellowed, giving me a disappointed glare. But before he could grab my arm to escort me out, Beast and Arrow threw themselves at the white tree trunk figure. He flung his arms and knocked Arrow against the table, he crumpled and gripped his back where the edge had jabbed his skin. I tore my eyes from him just in time to see Beast snag the man's taser. The guard threw a punch, but his size slowed him down. Beast slid down and pressed the trigger, sending the taser into the guards inner upper thigh.  He shook and groaned before collapsing in a murmuring heap. Thunder had helped Arrow back to his feet, and Eagle had gripped the door so that it wouldn't close. I stuck my bleeding thumb in my mouth, and snagged the guards key card, and walkie. We needed to be able to hear what was going on. We ran out the door and immediately turned to enter the observing rooms door, only to discover it locked from the inside. An alarm sounded, the lights flashed red, the siren screamed in my ear. Damnit! We circled around looking for a alternate route.
    "The back, the medical bay." Thunder shouted.
    "What about the people?" Eagle yelled back.
    "Just go!" Arrow said, taking the lead at a sprint, running toward the wide garage like door. White paint bled red as the bright light painted the walls. We followed and skidded to a halt in the medical bay. The scenery in here was immediately different than the halls. Smooth concrete floors, tall ceilings, lights that hung decoratively at different lengths. Desk and tables were littered with papers, beakers and, technical screens projecting lifelike images. Searching for an exit. A girl around our age sat in a white lab coat, Her short cropped black hair was grasped by her hands as she to looked for an escape route.
    "Grab her!" Beast ordered. "We need answers." The girl turned at the sound of our voice and quickly snagged a gun from the nearest desk, aiming it at us.
    "We don't want to hurt you." Thunder said, raising his hands and slowly approaching her.
    "I know who- what you are, stay away from me." She kept her pistol up, and clicked the safety off.
    "Please, we need help, what do you mean what we are?" Eagle looked at her, and her aim shifted.
"We just want to know what's happening, please, if you can help us," I looked at her, olive skin, brown eyes, glasses that shaped her heart shaped face. She was short, stubborn, and clearly not going to let us through. As I approached the girl I put both the walkie, and the card on a desk, and displayed my empty hands. "We just want to get out of this, it isn't right. Erasing our memories, physically torturing us, keeping us locked up every day. We just want out." Sympathy crept into the girl's eyes and she dropped her gun.
    "I can't let you through." She whispered. I stood only a foot away from her, my hands fell to my sides, I looked up with what I hoped was a desperate, look on my face, in hopes of getting her on our side. The alarm screeched, but slowly came to a halt. Dissipating like a deflating balloon. The garage door opening to the medical bay sealed itself, two metal doors emerging on each side to meet in the middle at a surprisingly fast speed. I glanced back at the girl as she stared up at the now crackling intercom. Before she could react and before I knew what I was doing, I had snagged the gun from her limp hand, and had it aimed directly at her.
    "Well, well, well. Isn't this a surprise," Mr. Hyde's overly confident voice came on, echoing through the room. Just hearing his voice left a bad taste in my mouth as though I had taken a drink of cough syrup. "I expected more of you, so much potential. Really, you were going to better the world. Still are, not that any of you will know."
    "Okay you asshole, you have two options, let us go, or she dies, or, let us go and she lives." Beast yelled out into the open space. The girl stiffened at his words. I held the pistol steady and kept my gaze up, on her. For granted I was petrified, but I couldn't let her see that. One thing that I've learned in the compound was that I could never show my weaknesses. They would exploit that weakness and show no mercy.
"Hahaha," He laughed a to smooth, echoing sound that sent chills up my spine. "You, expect me to just let you walk out of here, my most valuable assets, on the run. You five wouldn't survive an hour out in the world. Now, we know what's best for you, just let this young lady go and we'll discuss this in an orderly manner." He had a plan, I don't know what it is yet but I don't intend to find out. Every one of us knew that we were going to escape, or die trying. It was now clear that to get out of here, we were going to use every tool, and fight our way out. There was no other option.



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