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Nathaniel Hyde

The location of the assets was revealed shortly after I had learned of their failed capture. I was currently reviewing the file of their newest host, Devon, Slade.
Parents Jacob Devon, in prison for homicide, Lillian Devon, deceased. Sister Scarlett Devon also deceased. Brother Shrapnel Devon, presumed missing. Resident in Angelica, works as a mechanic. Non-religious, anti-Hydratech.
The only reason I hadn't ordered their capture was because the micro drones had finally uploaded and they revealed very interesting results. The physical activity they had partaken in had charged the serum in their veins. I was honestly rooting for them to win when they had returned to the shack where Xena resided. I'm doubtful that she'll return.
Hopefully they continue exercising their physical potential.
"Excuse me Mr. Hyde," An enthusiastic, well dressed man entered. His dark hair was slicked back and his navy blue suit matched his eyes. "Lincoln Clark, I heard you wanted to see me,"
"Mr. Clark, nice to meet you," I shook his hand. "Rumor has it you are quite talented in psychological behaviors, is that correct?"
"I believe so sir. I studied at-"
"I've read your resume Mr. Clark, I'm well aware of the tangible aspects of your work. What I want to know is if you are as good off paper as you are on it," he seemed dumbfounded for a moment as I had expected. Clearly he is caught off guard by my response. Obviously he isn't right for the job. "Very well, thank you for your time Mr. Clark. You may exit the way you came in," I turned towards my desk and grabbed my crystal glass of whiskey, taking a large drink.
"Your facial features reveal you are tense. The slight crease in your brow and unblinking eyes. You're also feeling disappointed, your eyebrows are furrowed and your lips are turned down. Aside from that, you've been tapping your pen, approximately four times since your last sentence, seven sense I arrived. You suffer from anxiety and you're currently contemplating weather or not to tell me the consequences of a job you need done," I put down my drink and crossed back over to him.
"Welcome to the team Mr. Clark," I reached out to again shake his hand.
"Glad to be of use to you Mr. Hyde,"
"Lets fill out some paperwork, I'll give you a tour of our facility and debrief you on your assignment,"

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