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I wonder what my life would have been like should it have not started and ended here. I bet I would have liked sailing. Maybe I would've tried attending my own adventure out on the open seas. Maybe writing. I'd like to be a writer. I could explore entire worlds, emotions, and experiences without feeling any of the negatives that occurs so often in our lives. My shoulder and right side of my body throbbed. Not in pain, but I could feel the blood flowing through every vein in my body. I felt so numb to the events occurring around me. The guards hauled us to the doorway. Beast now sported an already bruised cut on his left temple. Blood continued to flow freely from the wound despite already staining his signature long sleeved white shirt. Even after being slugged in the head he and ghost struggled against the guards. Ghost remained fairly untouched as far as injuries. Mostly because she was weak, light, and thin. She was easily conquered and was strapped to a strange standing metal gurney. Beast was placed next to her. I was hauled to my feet, my shoulder letting out a justified scream, causing me to involuntarily cry out. I was then primarily dragged to the next standing cage. My shoulder ached and burned in a way that felt as though I was being stabbed with a red hot poker. The heat of the wound radiated all through my body, making it hard to focus. My sights drifted to the vent. At least they got away. At least this wasn't for nothing.
A sound of loud timed clapping came from my right. The vibrations of his clapping were purposeful and almost painful. Though when you're shot I suppose everything hurts to some extent. Mr. Hyde placed his thumbs in his dress pants pockets after a final over exaggerated clap.
"I'm surprised, truly surprised. Slightly impressed if I must say." His tone was actually sincere yet lined with something bitter, and he looked at each of us in the eyes before slowly pacing between us. "Let me ask, did you really think you were going to make it out, or- or was this just some desperate game to see how much chaos you could cause?" He laughed under his breath, turning away from me and back the way he'd come. "Let me put this in perspective for you. You made it from one room, down the hall to the medical bay, and that's it." I understood his bitter undertone now, sarcasm. I took a deep breath only to gasp in pain at my shoulder. It was hard to focus, hard to listen. I'm going to die. I am going to die. He stopped at my gurney and grinned. "Was it worth it?" Yes, it was worth it. We had all agreed to get out or die trying. We just forgot to consider that not all of us would make it out. "Get them to the basement, and find the others. We can't afford a mishap like this people." Guards that were standing around now began to glimpse at each other and move as though a fire alarm had been pulled. They were quick and efficient and though they were large, they didn't hesitate to follow the order.
The gurney I leaned on lurched behind me before rolling forward. I groaned as the jerky movement pulsates through my arm. The blood on my shirt was starting to become sticky and the metallic stench that radiated off of it made my head spin. Maybe I would sail for weeks at a time, drifting over cool waters, relaxed in the most exhilarating way. We journeyed on the gurney's all down the brightly lit white hallways. We remained in our line with Ghost in front, followed by Beast, then finally myself. Instead of taking an elevator to the basement as I had assumed, we were wheeled down a long ramp, and the beefy guards directing our metal strollers wasted no time when a sharp turn came at the end, as to take us down the opposing hallway that the ramp faced. My body was forced to the right side of of the gurney as gravity did its job, and I screamed out when my shoulder slammed into the bars, knowing it would've hurt even without being shot.
The room they wheeled us into was large and open, and smelled distinctly like sanitized lemon. There were five beds against a wall to the left, each separated by about five feet of space and a surgical table covered with a thin white sheet. The beds had no blankets or pillows, only white straps that lined it from top to bottom. On the right side of the room there were large grey hibernating machines that from my view looked menacing and dark in comparison to the room around.  They each had their own number of Mechanical arms that each had different tools in their hands.Long rectangular vents lines the ceiling parallel to the blinding lights. At the end of the room was another door that opened automatically when a woman in a lab coat wadded through without any use of cards or obvious clearance, And walked professionally to Mr. Hyde. The guards pushed each of our gurneys to the left side of a bed then hoisted them with an unforgiving jolt into a standing position.
Mr. Hyde shared a whispered conversation with the woman who stood next to him. Her chestnut hair bobbed in its bun when she nodded to Mr. Hyde before disappearing back into the secret room. He looked at each of the tree trunk guards before turning his back and fiddled with one menacing machine, causing it to whir to life. The guards began unfastening the clips on our gurneys, starting with our feet. I looked at my companions just in time to see Ghost knee her guard in the face, causing his head to turn away. A sickening crack echoed in the large room as he snapped his head back to face her. He stood from his crouched position and growled as he towered over her.
"Ah ah ah." Mr. Hyde cooed. "We have a volunteer to go first. How sweet."
"You're sick, I hope you rot in hell you piece of-" Beast was interrupted by the sound of my screaming as the guard began strapping me to the stiff bed. My peripheral vision caught site of Ghost also being strapped down. This is how it ends. Even if I survive the gunshot, my memories will be gone. This is how I die. This is how we die.

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