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We quickly looked at each other, confusion quickly turning into panic. Slade was the first to move, clipping his magazine belt around his pants before snagging his rifle and loading it. He pounded up the stairs, Xena close behind, her sword drawn.
"They found us, come on, we gotta move!" Bug shouted to us, grabbing her bow and quiver.
"What do you mean? What is that sound?" Ghost asked tentatively, like she was afraid of the answer.
"Hydratech choppers. They're here," she replied before bounding up the stairs. Beast follows her up, wearing a belt of ammunition and his shotgun. I ran to Slade's wall of weapons and snagged my battle axe from the wall. It's weight felt comfortable in my hands. How the hell did they find us again.
I climb up the stairs, gunfire echoing throughout the space. Sounds of agonizing pain follow. I quicken my pace, desperate to reach my friends. I run up to the doorway, searching the area. Slade is behind the humvee, aiming his rifle at the entourage of Hydratech guards busting through a hole where the door was. Xena was nowhere in sight, but evidence of her handy work was scattered around the kitchen space. Blood pooling around severed limbs and lifeless bodies. Suddenly she drops from the ceiling with a powerful roar, decapitating two guards in the process.
I turn my attention to the hulking figure barreling towards me. His fist armed with brass knuckles. I duck as he goes for my face and trip him, dropping my axe over his torso as he lands, blood coughing up from his mouth.
At some point, Ghost has appeared and has made a dash for the upward stairwell. She crouches down and fires. The humvee is shielding the stairwell and keeps bullets from reaching her skin.
Arrow launches from the downward stairwell, two knives prepared to fly from his hands. Bullets dart my way as Bug and Ghost run behind the side of the humvee. Two arrows fly from her bow, one pierces a guard's shoulder, the other in his thigh. I duck at the gunfire and watch as Ghosts shoots the one firing at me. Slade ducks around the back and begins bottlenecking the now demolished entrance. Arrow lodges two knives in a guards face, before ducking in attempt to avoid projectiles coming towards him.
I watched in slow motion as a bullet penetrated through the air, the floating dust particles, the thin white cloth of a shirt, and into his abdomen.


I heard Arrow scream and fall face first to the concrete floor. Blood seeped  from his side through his dirtied white t-shirt. I fired four more arrows, dropping three more bodies.
"Slade, we have to get out of here!" I shout. He nods to me and makes his way to a tool section near the garage door. Eagle had crouched near Arrow and supported him so he could stand. His chin and lips were scraped and slightly bleeding. Slade pulled a lever near his controls and the H1 lowered to the concrete floor. I ran towards Eagle and supported his other side before leading them both into the back seat of the humvee. Slade had climbed into the drivers spot and started the tank-like vehicle. Beast snagged the passenger seat enthusiastically. "Xena! Ghost!" I shouted over gunfire. The beast of a vehicle growled to life and the humongous garage door behind moaned to life and began lifting. Ghost jumped into the back with us and wedged herself in. She continued shooting out the open door. Xena leapt to the top and crawled in through the sunroof.
As soon as the intruding soldiers realized our escape route, they focused on bringing it down. They targeted the hinges that the garage door hung on and immediately stopped it's assent. It groaned almost painfully in resistance but held in its partial open spot nonetheless.
"We're not moving as long as that's not open!" Slade rambled in a curse.
"I got it!" Eagle jumped out Ghost's still open door and began using his axe, wedging it between the building and the door in any attempt to get it to move. Beast soon joined, eliminating what appeared to be the ast of guards.
After what seemed like minutes the garage door managed to reconnect with the hinge and lifted up.
"Hold on!" Slade ordered as he quickly swung the vehicle backwards out the door and into an underground shaft I hadn't known existed. The ramp that got us underground quickly lifted and we took off down the dark corridor. The headlights kicked on and massive rats scurried out of the way of our deadly machine.
I understood now. We were going into the heat of the resistance. The Underground. 

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