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Bugs, why bugs, of all things to torment me with, it had to be bugs. I don't mind the kind that you're able to squash and flick away. Those were beetles. Giant indestructible beetles that had burrowed themselves inside me, driving me mad. I couldn't get the image out of my head much less the feeling, especially not in this room with nothing to do. All night I had nightmares of yesterday. A knock sounded outside my door followed by a beep and the door opened. I didn't move, but sat cradling my head in my arms. Three steps and the person were across from me. Reluctantly I uncoiled myself and stood up. A crimson red haired woman in a white dress and white apron guided me down to the science lab. I sat on my chair and waited for my dose of the serum. I thought about weather I would take the pill or the injection, and grinned at the idea of how Ghost had actually elbowed the scientist in the face the first time they tried putting a needle to her skin. She broke the nurses nose and since then has avoided needles. I told the nurse to just get me the injection. The sooner the better. Though Mr. Hyde would be in the observation room today, interviewing and lecturing us on our experiences, and I dreaded having to relive what happened.


I had just gotten out of the shower, and was dressed in new white clothes, a pressed long sleeve shirt and jeans. My hair hung messily in my face and my eyes were heavy from not sleeping. Mr. Hyde was serious when he had told me a decision had to be made. Phase two, what even was that, but he never said anything unless it was important, and the weight in his voice definitely stated its importance. Why my consent, I didn't even know what was going on. I stepped out of the door back into my small room. A small white room, with a small white bed and a nightstand where we were able to keep a few objects. I had a bronze shiny penny that Ghost had given me and a real red colored pencil from Thunder. I ran my fingers through my dampened hair and looked to the door when it opened. Mr. Hyde, in a new black suit graciously entered.

"I trust you considered my proposal Eagle?" He asked. I shook my head. What would phase two even consist of? What does phase one consists of.

"What is it?" I asked

"Phase two?" I nodded." Why it just allows us to further our research of human brain activity."

"But how, why is it different from one? why are you researching brain activity? why are we the ones being tested? What do you inject us with? How-" he rose a hand that silenced my onslaught of questions.

"We use more powerful technology to further study your brains. The serums we've been giving you have been working explicitly well, in fact, there a near complete success. Did you notice how everyone was completely healthy this morning despite the traumatic events of yesterday?" I glared in anger at him, he was the one who forced my friends to suffer, who forced me to suffer, but it made sense. After what felt like forever, everything stopped, we had all blacked out and when we woke up, we were back in our beds as if nothing had happened. More than that, there were no marks on anyone. I saw Thunder this morning when I got my injection. There wasn't a mark on him, not even scars. "We now can access the control center of your brain and study further on."

"So you'll continue tormenting us"

"Don't think of it that way, it's for science"

"And if I say no"

"We have ways of persuading you"

"I don't care what you do to me"

"I know, so we were planning on using your friends." This man was mentally insane. I couldn't let my friends suffer because if my selfish actions though. "Do we have a deal" I had lost the battle.

"Will I still see them?"

"Of course. Now, Do, We have, A deal?" I sat down in defeat and nodded. "Oh, and don't tell them about this little, talk. I would hate for someone to get hurt."


I hate how this place knows exactly what makes you tick. The things that get on your nerves. How to exploit it. I pulled on a turtleneck tank top and a pair of pants. White by any other color. Never a color of light or personality. Just the color that was hard, expressionless and sharp. I brushed through the tangles in my hair and pulled it into a high ponytail. Red wasn't a good color either. It spelled pain, jealousy, and it too was sharp. Orange was my favorite. It was a mix of compassion, and hatred, aggressive, and strong. Eagle had once offered me an orange mechanical pencil, which I gladly accepted; it was a rare and useful piece of technology. The beep that summoned the door to open and I knew it was time to meet up with the guys. I was curious as to what they went through, but if reliving that moment was difficult for me, I knew it had to be hard for them.  I was the first to arrive, followed by Eagle, Beast, Arrow, and then Thunder. No one said a word, but instead sat in there respected seats.


I was the last to arrive. Not really surprising, and now we get to wait for Mr. Hyde. If I was stronger and more confident, I would've smacked him against a wall and demanded he let us go free. Now though I was terrified to even speak. They put me in a giant oven, and cooked me, alive. What type of sick mind can come up with a punishment like that, and then actually go through with it. Mr. Hyde walked in nonchalantly and stood over the table.

"I trust that all of you remember yesterday's events, correct" He spoke in his professional voice. He was going to make us all participate. I could never remember attending school but this is the closest thing we had, which involved him asking us dumb questions, and then forcing us to tell a vivid story as to what had occurred to each of us.  "So now, Thunder," he spat my name "can you tell me what it is that you and your peers did wrong?" He continued asking questions such as this for what felt like forty minutes. When he finished, he directed each of us to tell what had occurred. His eyes seemed to bore into each of us, and I felt like a bug under a microscope. Eagle told the story of how he watched each of us suffer agony, but he said it in few words as possible. Beast spoke of how he was hung, and was forced to allow his feet to be bitten again and again, and not be able to stop them without dying, he also stated directly to Mr. Hyde how he wish he could've. Arrow said how he had endured bugs feast on him from within. Ghost said meekly how she had been poked like a lab rat. I shared my experience of being cooked alive. With a satisfactory grin, Mr. Hyde rose, and cleared his throat. "Thank you for your participation, you all have about..." he glanced at his watch, "an hour to say your goodbyes."

Chaos erupted.

"What goodbyes?" Arrow demanded.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ghost spat.

"I've had it with the secrets and lies, from you dicks at this place!" Beast burst.

Several more shouts went up before he raised his hand, silencing the room. "You're right, we really should stop lying to you, and so we are going to fix that problem." All eyes intently rested on him. How would they fix it? "We've been granted permission to move onto phase two. But you will not see each other the same way ever again. So please, say goodbye."  Eagle rose from his seat as Mr. Hyde turned to the door.

"You said I'd still see them" he said quietly, but not nearly quiet enough, as everyone heard him.

"You will, everyone will still see each other, but no one will remember."

"What?" Eagle questioned.

"We're erasing your memories."

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