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I woke up pressed into the corner of the couch. My head resting on Eagle's sleeping chest, his arms loosely wrapped around me. I wanted nothing more than to close my eyes and enjoy how comfortable and safe I felt, but the sound of movement around the complex alerted me to my new surroundings and responsibilities. I wiggled my way further into the corner and attempted to sit myself up and unlatch his arms without waking him. His eyes fluttered open and his hands forced me back down.
"Let me up." I said in a sleepy whisper.
"Uh uh." He hummed. I forced my way up anyway and climbed off the couch. It took me a moment to assess my attire. Dusted blue jeans that were too short, a maroon camisole and a cropped black leather jacket. I yanked the hair tie that held my tangles back in its high ponytail. I ran my hands through the knots and flipped it.
"Good god rapunzel." Xena acknowledged, "you have a ton of hair."
"I know. Not exactly something good to have in this situation. Do you maybe have a brush?" I asked. She disappeared into the bathroom and returned with a brush. I detangled my hair and allowed Brenda to style it in a French braid.
"So, how did you two meet?" I asked.
"Our parents worked together at Hydratech." Xena replied absently, taking inventory of her stolen goods.
"Really?" Beast crossed from the window to us.
"Yup, Bug and I have known each other since we were three."
"Yet you both hate Hydratech." I commented.
"It destroyed our lives." Brenda lightly snapped.
"Which is why we're going to destroy it." Xena looked up.
"We can't do that without help Xena." She stated.
"Look around Bug. You brought us help. We can't let them keep destroying everything and everyone they touch. We can't keep letting them get away with everything."
"I know that. After everything they've done, I know that. But these guys just escaped and I highly doubt they're willing to go right back in order to wage a war that they didn't ask to be involved in."
"Neither did we!"
"Hey, everybody calm down." Arrow slowly sounded out the words. "We owe you our lives." Beast elbowed him hard.
"What he means is, we hate the assholes at Hydratech just as much as you do. If you're bringing them down, we want in." Holy crap. Going to war with Hydratech is suicide. Then again, we needed answers and Hydratech needed to be destroyed.
"No offense but you're not exactly suited for battle." Xena looked each one of us over. She was right. We were inexperienced, untrained, unarmed, and unprepared. We were in way over our heads.
"Couldn't you teach us?" Eagle joined us.
"No, she can't!" Brenda yelped. The space fell quiet for several seconds.
"Brenda please." Arrow coddled. "They've taken almost everything from us. Let us help."
"It's just, it's too dangerous and you guys just left, and-"
"Bug, stop." Xena interrupted "listen, we need help, Hydratech is only getting bigger and you guys likely know way more than you think. Aside from that, you're the only ones to have ever escaped from that place."
"I thought Brenda got out." Eagle mentioned.
"I walked out the door. Unlike you guys I had access to the exits."
"Point is, you guys have skills." Xena stated.
"Then train us, teach us what to do." I pleaded
"The thing is, I can't train you."
"What? Why not." Beast erupted.
"Relax okay, I know a guy." Xena assured us.


"C'mon Slade, I know you're in there, open up." Xena was pounding her fist against a steel door.
After eating a breakfast consisting of spam and grits, Xena guided us into to crowded streets and down a cramped creepy brick alley. A metal door sat at the end and that was where we'd spent the last five minutes.
"Slade, this is serious. I need your help." After another thirty seconds the steel entrance swung open. "About time you asshole." Xena swiveled around the boy in the doorway and into the brick building. We followed her into a large room that was lit up with bright light bulbs powered by a generator in the corner. A H1 with no wheels took up most the space in the garage like room. Xena, Bug, and Beast made their way to a eight person table and each one took a seat. Counters took up the wall behind the table, the quartz countertops were dusted and rough looking.
The boy, Slade, sealed the door after we had all entered. He was tall, really tall. He was wearing faded jeans, steel toe boots, and a black hoodie. He was obviously well built, muscular and in shape. His blue eyes assessed each of us in curiosity.
"What's going on?" He asked in a deep, masculine voice.
"I need your help. I need you to train these guys so we can take down Hydratech once and for all." Xena bluntly stated, kicking her boots up on the table.
Slade snorted. "You're kidding." He observed each of our expressions. "You're not kidding. Xena I'm busy. Now's not a good time."
"One week Slade. That's all I'm asking." She removed her hood and revealed her face. I couldn't help but wonder about her scars. "You help these people, I'll owe you a favor."
"It'll cost more than that. Besides, like I said earlier, I'm busy." He shrugged her off and went to a tool bench where he sifted through a number of utensils.
He was more stubborn than me, and that's saying a lot. His square jaw and piercing eyes held a stiff line of tension. What the Hell could've happened to him.
"Fine. Thanks anyway. Guess it's true what they say." Xena stood up and made her way towards the door. "Like father, like son."
Slade stopped what he was doing and turned to face her. A cruel and hurt expression lined his face. "That was uncalled for."
Xena shrugged. "It's true. You're proving that right now. I need help, we need your help, but I guess some things are just more important." Slade let out a long sigh.
"Fine. I'll help you." His low voice held a somber tone. "But if you ever mention my father again, I swear you will regret it"

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