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I crept out of bed as quietly as possible as to not wake Xena. She is so cute when she's sleeping, not that I'd ever tell her that. I adjusted my soft Capri pants and tank top before slipping out the door and down the stairs to the kitchen. After shuffling through the space I fished out dehydrated pancake mix and a bowl, the least I could do after everything Slade's done for us.
I had just started mixing the water and powder when someone behind me cleared their throat causing me to jump. Beast sat in a chair, his feet up on the table, his tan carhartt pants hugged his waist. He looked me over before crossing his ankles on the table.
"Need any help?"
"Uh, um," I felt a blush escalating in my cheeks from embarrassment. "Sure. If you want. Don't suppose you know how to start the oven fire?"
"Well, fire was among the many prohibited items in the compound, however, I was kinda a pyromaniac." His faint Scottish accent was much more noticeable for some reason.
"I could see that." I said imagining him hiding matches and burning things for hours.
"Oh yeah, you would make the perfect pyro." I grinned. "Matches are in that drawer. Wax is still in there so you should just have to light it." I turned my attention back to the bowl and continued to mix the batter and water. Beast lit the anti-smoke wax that sat in the bottom of the oven-stove. I dug out a frying pan and spatula and busied myself making pancakes. I made Beast set the table as I flipped batter into golden stacks of food. By the time I finished, everyone but Arrow, stood around the table.
"Should we go and wake him up or..." Xena sat beside me.
"Nah, let him sleep. Long day ahead of us." Slade grabbed a glass and filled it with water.
"What do you mean?" Eagle pulled three pancakes onto his plate.
"Xena and I found a way into Hydratech." I poured syrup over my food.
"We think we did anyway." Xena twirled her fork with her fingers.
"There's a club here in Angelica called Scarlett's Letter, that is known for being a hotspot for Hydratech employees. If we get in there, I'm almost certain one of them will 'lose' their access key."
"The problem is getting in." Xena finished for me.
"Scarlett's Letter has an exclusive guest list. It caters to the rich, popular and powerful. It's the main location to find drugs, strippers, gangs and contraband. Despite those things though, it's an extremely high class place." Slade took a bite. "I hope you're plan involves a way in."
"Well.... no. We contemplated stealing uniforms and going undercover as staff, but if anything like that goes missing-"
"The place will go into high security." Slade cut me off.
"But maybe someone could sneak in." Beast cut into a pancake.
"No, the clubs security is Hydratech grade. Key cards, fingerprints, guards." Xena crossed her legs.
"So we get a key card, slice some fingerprints, scoop an eye?" Beast grinned.
"No you psychopath!" I blurted.
"We get in with someone who has those things." Slade grabbed two more pancakes.
"Well I'm pretty sure we're on the 'fugitives' list. They're not going to let us in." Eagle commented.
"Unless you were disguised." Ghost ran her fingers through her tangled hair.
"So an undercover job?" Slade stood up. "As a guest of a club participant" He stood and placed his dishes in a crate next to the sink.
"But who?" Eagle joined Slade. "If we all go in it'll be suspicious."
"I vote one of the girls."
"Not it!" Xena and I shouted at the same time.
"Wait, why one of the girls?" Ghost asked.
"Most the club goers are wealthy men, looking for a good time. That's why the place is crawling with prostitutes and drugs." Slade added.
"So the best way to get in is offer one of those things. And I'm pretty sure you guys don't have drugs." Beast answered her.
"Fresh out." Xena commented.
"Okay so who would we send?" Ghost finished her breakfast. 
"Arrow. He's feminine enough." Eagle sarcastically answered.
"Nah, he doesn't have the boobs." I responded.
"Neither do we." Xena jabbed me in the ribs. I elbowed her in retaliation.
"So.... Ghost?"
"Me? I don't know the first thing about seducing people. Much less stealing."
"Stealing is easy." Xena stood up and revealed a tattered leather wallet.
"Hey! That's mine." Slade snatched it from her.
"Okay, so you teach me to steal. No point if I don't know how to get in."
"Relax, as long as you look the part, you won't have to." Beast said.
"So we just need the attire." I commented. Images of half naked women flooded my mind in an attempt to build an outfit with our materials.
"I might have just the thing." Slade shuffled up the stairs. What he had in mind was beyond me. I'd known him for two years now and I'd never seen him with any females other than Xena and I. He returned with a faded white box. It was medium sized and squished on one side. He opened it to reveal a bright red dress. Flowing Ruffles formed a V down the chest and stylish cinching lined the sides. "Try it on." He said, handing it to Ghost.
"Where did you get that?" Xena questioned as Ghost made her way upstairs to change.
"Doesn't matter. We should head downstairs, continue with training." With that, he went upstairs.
"Was it just me or did he see kinda tense?" Arrow broke the silence.
"He's right, we should get back to training," I brushed off Arrow's question and cleaned up the remaining dishes.
Xena and I made our way upstairs to get dressed when Ghost poked her head out of a door.
"Help," she slithered her head back inside and Xena gave me a look that simply said 'What just happened?' I entered the room to find Ghost half dressed in the red dress. "I can't reach the zipper," she squirmed in a futile attempt to reach the clasp.
"Hold still," I giggled and slid the zipper up her small back.
"Thank you," she sighed, hanging her head in relief. When she looked up I was almost jealous. The red dress hugged her pencil figure perfectly. It fell halfway down her thighs and pushed up her breasts in a most appealing way. If I wasn't committed to other things I'd date her. "So?" She gave a little spin. "Will it work?"
"Oh yeah, it'll work," I answered. "Now get dressed, we have training to do,"

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