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What did we just get ourselves into. We should've stayed at the compound. We should've just stayed. We're in no way prepared. We definitely should've spent more time in the gym that was available to us.
The girl with a sword to my buddy's genitals had death in her empty white eyes. She was intimidating. Her light brown hood/shall revealed her scarred face and her voice had a definite deadly tone.
Brenda jumped down and climbed through the window, her eyes raced over the scene before her.
"Xena! No! Stop it's okay!" She yelled, stepping towards the woman whose sword was pressed against Eagles pants. "Xena, it's okay, they're with me. They needed help, they got me out."
"Bug? My god, what the hell. You should've called or something. I was so worried."
"Bug?" Beast questioned.
"It's a nickname." Brenda brushed off. "Can you just let them stay for a while. Hydratech will be looking for us, and as soon as everything calms down they'll hit the streets."
"Sure, whatever. I've missed you." Xena said pulling Brenda into a hug that made me question if they were just friends.
"I've missed you too. And I'm starving, please tell me you have something I can cook up." My mouth watered at the thought of food.
"I wasn't exactly expecting company. Noodles are in the green cupboard, and I have some garlic salt. Or there's crackers and spam."
"I can help." Ghost sat up and walked over to "Bug". "You've done a lot for us so."
"That'd be great, meanwhile maybe Xena can hook you guys up with some clothes." Bug replied.
"Um, no offense but uh, how is she going to get us clothes if she's, well," I questioned.
"Trust me, I've got you covered." Xenia shot back.
"Well do you need any help?" I suddenly felt bad.
"If you must. Follow me." She pulled her hood up and slinked out the window. I followed her up two flights of rusted stairs to the eighth story. The window we entered revealed a small room, a door to the left. Boxes and totes took up nearly all the available space. Xena began rummaging through a box full of faded fabrics.
"Would you like me to check this one?" I began removing the lid to a grey tote.
"Pants, dress, or skirt?" She absently asked holding up two different cloths.
"Excuse me?" I responded in question to her question.
"For your chick. Which does she prefer."
"My chick? You mean Ghost, she's just a friend. And pants I guess." I stuttered.
"Dude you need to get some confidence, like, bad. Hand me that box." She pointed to a cardboard square near me, and I passed it to her. "You're a size small aren't you?" She asked as she accepted the box.
" um, yeah. How do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"That thing where you see even though you're, ... never mind." I didn't want to offend her.
"Living on the streets has taught me a lot. Like I can hear where things are. It's like echolocation I guess."
"Okay, well what about the sword fighting?"
"My grandpa. He was fairly eccentric."
She picked out clothes quickly and handed them to me once an outfit was complete. Afterward we made our way to the others and I distributed the outfits in the wrong order. Upon entering Xena went and traded everyone's clothes. Sense the sun had gone down Brenda had lit a few candles that now warmed the environment.
"Is there a place to change, a bathroom or something?" Beast asked.
"Why, shy at your lack of masculinity?" Ghost teased.
"No, I just don't want to make Arrow jealous." He retorted. I flipped him off at the remark.
"No plumbing, but there's a bathroom in that side room." Xena said.
"What are the plumbing accommodations then?" Eagle piped up, inspecting his new attire.
"A bucket, outside. There's sheets so you get some privacy. And as far as bathing, you actually have to take a bath, in cold water, I don't have a way to heat it up." Xena said walking over to Brenda and Ghost who were draining and stirring noodles.
"Thank you for everything." I spoke up.
"Anything for a friend. And if I didn't help Bug probably would've beat me up." She hugged Brenda from behind, grinning at her own comment. "Now get changed, I can only imagine how bad you look."
I grinned and turned towards the wall. Stripping myself of my shirt and pants. I pulled on a pair of dark brown oversized jeans and a black form fitting t-shirt. The cotton of the shirt was worn and soft. I ran my hands through my hair in an attempt to make it behave.
After we had all changed we gathered on the sofas with bowls of garlic noodles. Silverware was unavailable to all of us, so Beast and I used our hands. After eating we put our bowls in a bucket in the kitchen. Brenda assured us we could clean everything up tomorrow.
Brenda and Xena were going to sleep on the bed. Leaving the three sofas to the four of us.
"I'll take the floor." Ghost opted.
"No I'll take it, you're tired." Eagle argued.
"We're all tired. It's not like I won't fall asleep just because I'm on the floor." She retorted.
"No, but you'll sleep better on the couch." He replied.
"For Christ sake just sleep together." Beast interrupted.
"What if I push him off." Ghost grinned.
"Shut up." He said collapsing onto the sofa.
"Get a room!" Xena shouted from the bed.
"Can't, there isn't any." I sank into another sofa.
"Come here." Eagle snagged Ghost and pulled her onto the couch with him. I rolled over so my face was facing the fabric. Xena and I had brought down blankets from the fabric room, and we'd each gotten one. I yanked mine to my neck and squinted my eyes shut.
"Goodnight everyone." Beast said, blowing out the last candle.
"Sleep tight"
As soon as our breathing took over the now silent space, exhaustion drifted me into the realm of sleep.



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