Chapter 1

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"Mum! It's time for me to go to Dad's! We have to go!" Hannah's mother walked through the door. The mother and daughter looked alike, but couldn't be more different in personality. Hannah Winbolt was blunt, and not afraid to tell someone to shove off if they were being a git. She loved Disney, something she did have in common with her mum, and was currently wearing a Peter Pan shirt with black jeans.

Hannah was getting ready for her fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She loved the school. When Hannah got her first letter, her father told her about the wizarding world and how he was apart of it, and now she was too. The Sorting Hat placed her into Hufflepuff, and she enjoyed most of her classes. She couldn't stand Professor Snape though. The man was just so vile, with no obvious reason for it. Her O.W.L.'s were this year as well. Hopefully Harry Potter won't cause too much chaos this year.

"Okay, honey. You ready to go? You'll be going to King's Cross Station with your father, because I have to work tomorrow." Hannah's mother kissed her forehead.

"Please be careful, Mum." Her mother laughed.

"I was just about to say the same thing. I love you, very much."

"Love you, too."

Hannah's mum drove her to her father's house, singing along to Disney music on the way. They hugged when they arrived, and her mum drove off as Hannah turned to her dad.

"Hi! I've missed you dad!" She wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

"I missed you too. I've been on a trip for the Ministry of Magic. Are you ready for your next year at Hogwarts?"

"No. When am I ever ready for school?" Hannah laughed as she walked in with her dad. He had already picked up her supplies and packed them away.

"I have a surprise for you, Hannah." Then her dad walked into the sitting room and came out with a little owl in a cage.

"What? Are you kidding? Really?" Hannah's dad nodded and handed the cage to her.

"What's it's name?"


A/N: Hey guys! So by the title you can tell this is about fred, but what you didn't know is that the OC is actually my best friend Hannah, so a lot of the choices and/or phrases are coming directly from her! Yay! I have friends! :p

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