Chapter 6

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"Happy Halloween! I swear if there is a troll this year, I'll jinx someone." Hannah giggled. Fred slowly backed away, then came back over and put his arm around Hannah. 

"So how are you, ma'lady?" 

"It's Halloween. How do you think I'm doing?"

Fred shrugged.

"No matter how your day is going, it's about to get better."

"How?" Fred just grinned and walked away. 

"You cheeky little..."

"Hi, Hannah!" Cedric called to her brightly.

"Cedric, not today, please!"

He looked offended and strutted off.

Herbology seemed to drag on forever, and Charms took even longer. Finally, her classes were over. Hannah found Fred waiting outside for her.

"Up for a walk, ma'am?" Fred bowed and Hannah laughed.

"Only if you are, sir." Then she curtsied and proceeded to nearly fall.

Fred caught her and looked at her. Then he tickled her sides and ran off. Hannah started after him, and caught up quickly. She jumped on his back, and he laughed and kept walking around.

"So, what were you planning to dress up as for Halloween?" Fred said to Hannah as they were sitting on the grounds later in the afternoon. 

"I hadn't really thought about it yet. Maybe a Disney character. It's a Muggle thing." Hannah responded to Fred's questioning look.

"Well I have an idea. Let's dress up as Bonnie and Clyde."

"You know who Bonnie and Clyde are?" Fred nodded.

"They were outlaws in the Wizarding world, too. Remember? How do you think they got away so many times?"

Hannah facepalmed.

"Duh! I knew that!"

"So can we dress up as them?" Fred looked so innocent with his puppy face, and Hannah giggled and nodded.

"YES!" He grabbed out his wand and tapped himself and recited a changing spell. Then he did the same thing to Hannah. 

"How long have you been practicing that spell?"

"I've been practicing on George since the beginning of the month." Hannah doubled over laughing.

Suddenly, as they were walking back up to the castle, they ran into Cedric.

"Are you kidding me? You're with Fred? That's why you keep brushing me off!" Suddenly, Cedric lunged forward and punched Fred square in the face.

"Cedric! Fred!" Fred started to hit Cedric, but stopped when Hannah yelled. Cedric turned on Hannah.

"You knew I liked you! I've been trying to ask you out for years and now you're just going out with Fred even though you've only known him for half a year?" 

"Excuse me! I'm not going out with Fred right now, but I do like him. You are only a friend and I have made that clear! What about Cho Chang in Ravenclaw? She likes you! You need to leave Fred alone, because whatever I decide to do or not do with him is my business!" She continued scolding him for being a jerk, using some colorful language to get her point across. 

Finally Cedric left with a little more sensibility, and Fred turned to Hannah.

"Y-you like me, too?"

"I do. I figured you were going ask me out, by the way. Couples costume? A bit obvious if you ask me." Fred turned red.

"So, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Take me on a date first." Then Hannah flipped her hair and walked away.

"Wow, that girl is full of surprises." George walked out of the trees.

"Were you there the whole time, George?"

"Yep, and I guess you're going to Hogsmeade today." Then George started laughing at Fred's awestruck face.

"You really like that girl, don't you?" Fred just nodded.

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