Chapter 10

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"Come on! Time for the 422nd Quidditch World Cup!" Fred yelled as he jumped onto Hannah's bed.

"Ugh, Fred. Let me sleep!" Hannah pulled the covers over her head and turned away from him.

Fred jumped off her bed and shut the door. He stood quietly. 

"Finally! I can get some sl- Augh! Fred!" She screamed as someone grabbed her feet.

"What?" Fred said from the door. Hannah screamed again. 

"GEORGE!" He looked out from under the bed. 

"Yes?" He blinked innocently.

"Get out!" The twins ran out, laughing.


"She lives!" Fred crowed as Hannah came into the kitchen. She stuck her tongue out and sat next to him at the table.

Everyone eventually wandered down to the kitchen. They had breakfast and got ready, rushing to be on time for the Portkey.

"C'mon everyone! Time to go!" Arthur yelled.

Molly took role as people walked out the door.

"Goodbye, Mrs. Weasley!"

"Oh, goodbye, dear. Have fun!"

The Portkey was uncomfortable for Hannah. She sat for a moment after they landed. Cedric and Fred both offered help, but she waved them off.

"I'm fine, just a bit dizzy is all." Then Hannah stood up shakily. She mumbled something about 'damned shoes' and walked to catch up with her friends and boyfriend. Hannah looked over to Harry, Ron, Jill, and Hermione. All of them, expect Ron, looked as uncomfortable as she felt. 

"Hannah? Are you okay?" She nodded when Fred took her hand, a worried expression on his face.

"Sorry, just zoned out, I guess."

The game went on as expected. Fred and George bet all their money on an unlikely outcome, despite Hannah's objection. When the game ended with a Seeker named Victor Krum catching the Snitch, but Ireland won, Hannah cheered along with them.

Fred kissed Hannah, shocking her and everyone around them. He pulled back and looked at her, still holding her face.

"I love you, Hannah Winbolt." She was speechless for a moment. This boy, who found laughter in everything, was dead serious as he looked at her.

"I love you, too, Fred Weasley." For a second, everything was absolutely perfect. Until that moment ended. After the end of the game, everything was a blur. There was singing about Krum, then screams, then a crowd of panicing people. Hannah grabbed onto Ginny, Fred and George and ran blindly. Then the Portkey rushing them away. The panic when Harry's absence was noted along with Ron's, Hermione's and Jill's. 

Suddenly Hannah woke with a start. She felt arms around her and she froze. Fred stirred and sat up.

"Are you okay?" Hannah shook her head.

"Wh- H- Are they okay?"

"Ron and his friends are fine. You should be careful though. My mum reckons you just about broke your foot." Hannah gingerly moved her feet and winced when a sharp pain shot through her right leg. She groaned and laid back down.

"Who were they?" She whispered.

"We'll talk in the morning, love. Get some sleep." He kissed the top of her head, and Hannah drifted back into an uneasy dreamland.

Jokes~ A Fred Weasley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now