Chapter 4

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Hannah woke up for her first day of classes. After getting ready, she headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Care for a muffin, m'lady?" A pair of hands appeared in front of her with a chocolate chip muffin in them.

"No. I'm good." Then Hannah discreetly pointed her wand at the muffin and whispered a spell.

"What? It's good, and I didn't do anything to it." Hannah walked away from Fred, and he took a bite while wondering why she passed up a perfectly good muffin. He learned quickly, because it was no longer chocolate chip, but liverwurst.

"Blech! Hannah! Get back here!" Fred started running after Hannah. He finally caught up to her, and tackled her to the ground.

"You might want to watch out, Weasley. People might think you are taking advantage of a helpless girl."

"You are not helpless." Fred shook his head and helped Hannah up.

"When it comes to a Weasley twin, I'm always the more innocent person." She winked and hurried back to her dorm to get her school supplies.

Fred stood there, gaping at her nerve.

"Well brother, fancying someone, are we?"


"Just what I thought." George laughed and walked away.


"Thanks, Cedric!" Hannah tried to get Cedric to go, but he wasn't getting the hint. 

"No problem. Do you need someone to sit with? This teacher could be a nutter like the last few."


Suddenly the teacher walked in. He was tall with brown hair and a huge scar across his face. He also looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.

"I am Professor Lupin, welcome to your O.W.L. year of Defense Against the Dark Arts. I understand your class has been interesting to say the least, so I'm going to see what you know, and teach you based off of that information. You will pass your O.W.L.'s but that is the least of my concerns. Tests are not going to give you real life experience, so pair up. We are going to see what defensive spells you know." 

The class was much more enjoyable then Hannah's previous years. It wasn't her strongest subject, but it already made much more sense.

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