Chapter 7

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"This is quite late to be asking permission to Hogsmeade. Most everyone left at noon." Minerva surpressed a smile, knowing exactly why he was asking.

"I'm sorry, Professor."

"Go, enjoy Halloween. Just be back in time for the banquet."

Fred ran out of Minerva's office, and she laughed.


"Where are we going?"

"The Three Broomsticks, of course!"

Hannah giggled as Fred dragged her along by the hand. She had a feeling they would eventually end at Zonko's. The boy could never stay away from the store. Whenever the twins were hanging out with Hannah, they would always talk about their plans for their Skiving Snackboxes. They had just come to a compromise with the name, and Hannah knew it would take them a long time to agree on anything. Fred and George loved to disagree on everything.


"Hmm? Oh, sorry. I got distracted." She blushed. 

"Do you want a butterbeer?"

"Oh, please!"

Fred beckoned the bartender, Madame Rosemerta, and ordered three butterbeers, but had one sent to a man in a comically large mustache across the room.

"Why did you buy him a butterbeer? You don't even know him."

"Nah, I know him. That's George, keeping an eye on me. He has to have all the gossip."

Their date went well, especially when Hannah sent a spell towards George's untouched butterbeer. He was so intent on watching that he was oblivious to the mug slowly rising. Then the mug overturned and George shrieked.

"Very macho, George!" Hannah yelled.

Everyone in the bar laughed as George tried to retaliate, but his wand turned into a pair of boxers.

"Jill!" A young third year ducked under a table where Fred's younger brother Ron sat with his friend, Hermione. 

"Same time next week?" Hannah turned to Fred, still laughing. She was shocked when his face suddenly turned serious. 

"Of course."

Jokes~ A Fred Weasley FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя