Chapter 5

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Hannah's next class was Care of Magical Beasts. This was by far her favorite class, especially when they had their dragons lesson. She had heard stories of Charlie Weasley, who had left in his seventh year to work in Romania with dragons. She wanted to work with him some day.

"Attention, class! I'm yer new professor, 'Agrid. 'Ave yeh all got yer books?" The class nodded, half looking terrified of the monstrous book, the sequel to the original.

"These books are terrifying, huh?" Hannah groaned inwardly. 

"Yep, Cedric. They are even bigger than the ones the third-years have."

"Yer first lesson will be over Nifflers. They aren't meh favorite, but yeh 'ave a certain criteria to learn."

Hannah's hand was raised, startling Hagrid.


"Are we required to cover dragons?" Hannah smiled, knowing that Hagrid would remember when she helped him find a good dragon care book back in her third year. Norbert, or Norberta, as they had later found out, was her turning point on Magical Creatures.

"Uh, no. But if yeh want extra lessons, talk to me after class, Miss Winbolt." 

The rest of the class continued on peacefully, and Hannah laughed as the Niffler assigned to her and Cedric wiggled to find the gold they had in their cloaks. When class let out, Hannah nearly ran right into Fred.

"Why hello, it's nice to see you again."

"Hi, Fred. What's up?"

"Well. That is the question of the day, isn't it? I just happen to be planning a prank to get a certain third year back for three years of humiliation. My plan is foolproof!" Hannah walked along with him as he relayed his idea.

"Wait, is this the girl that turned your eyebrows pink in her first year on Christmas?"

"Yes! Ron fancies her, so the damage won't be permanent. Hopefully."


"Detention, Weasley!" 

The small third year, Jill, laughed. Professor McGonagall turned to her and glared. Jill automatically stopped and ran off.

"What in Merlin were you thinking, giving a young girl a black eye?"

"Well, ma'am, in his defense, it was artificial, and she has been pranking him for three years."

"I am well aware, Miss Winbolt! Miss Morris will also be receiving detention for her hex she used on Mister Weasley." 

"The hex, ma'am?"

"It was an extremely advanced spell, which means she was in the restricted section again. She was warned to not use those spells on classmates."

Hannah walked away. 

How was this girl so good at Defense Against the Dark Arts? Hannah thought to herself.

She started to wonder if it was caused by the incidents in  the past two years, or if it was a natural gift, like her natural understanding of beasts. Then she felt someone bump into her.


"I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry I hurt Fred, and I'm sorry I'm here at all!" Then Jill ran off crying. She was followed by Jessica. 

"What happened to her?" Jessica shrugged.

"I haven't the slightest clue. We were at lunch, and a piece of mail came, even though stuff never comes at lunch. Jill started crying when she read it, and Ron and her had a row when she wouldn't show him!" The girls ran after Jill, hoping they could catch up to her. They found her sitting in the trophy room, crying.

"Jill?" Hannah whispered.

"I already said I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be a prat! I get it now, though."

"What do you mean?" Jessica looked confused.

"I like Ron. A lot. He doesn't feel the same. I think he fancies Hermione. I got this letter from someone explaining why he could never like me. I know why. I'm a prat and I hurt people. Like..." Then Jill shook her head and walked away. 

Hannah felt so confused. Why can't people just be straight-forward with their feelings? This was getting ridiculous. She was glad nothing was complicated between her and Fred.


"So when are you going to ask her out?" George looked excited.

"Halloween. I hope she feels the same."

"How are you going to ask?"

Fred shrugged. 

"This is complicated."

Jokes~ A Fred Weasley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now