Chapter 8

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The rest of the year seemed to zoom by for Hannah. Fred was being the same goofy guy he always was, and George had made it a game to disguise himself when Hannah was out with Fred and they would try to find him. It reminded her of a muggle story called 'Where's Waldo?' that her mum had read her when she was little. She had also made up with Cedric and they were back to being best friends.


"Yeah, Cedric?"

"I asked you when we are going meet up over the summer."

"Oh, I'm not sure yet. I'll write you when I get a chance to talk to my mum and dad at home."

"Sounds good! I have to go meet up with Cho now. Bye, Hannah!" Cedric waved and Hannah waved back.

"So... How did your O.W.L.'s go? As terrifying as you thought?" Hannah laughed as she turned around.

"Well, Fred. That's depends on your definition of 'terrifying'. For me, I was quite relaxed. I felt I knew what I was doing on most of it. Even Defense Against the Dark Arts." Fred feigned a gasp of shock.

"How could this be? Are you enjoying Defense Against the Dark Arts more than Care of Magical Creatures? I think Newt Scamander would have a heart attack if he heard that. From someone in his former house, too. Tsk tsk tsk."

"Oh, shush. He liked that class, too."

"Make me." Then he ran off. 

"You are so cheeky! I'm surprised your mum didn't run you and George off years ago!" Hannah ran after him. When she caught up, Fred tried to trip her, but she saw it coming and pulled him down with her.

"What a compromising position we are in."

"Yet I'm still viewed as innocent." Fred laughed.

"Surely not. You're dating me. Everyone thinks I've either got you under a love potion, or you aren't as innocent as you appear."

"Well, I am a badger." Hannah growled and Fred laughed even more.

"You are quite the vicious badger." Then he stood up and helped Hannah up. She surprised him by getting up on her tiptoes and kissing him.

"I love you, Fred. Oh, and my dad wants to meet you over the summer."

"I love you, too. Wait, what?!" 

Jokes~ A Fred Weasley FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon