Chapter 13

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At the banquet, it turned out that there was another surprise in store for everyone.

Fred, George, Hannah and Lee Jordan rode up to the castle via Thestral while it rained outside. She looked to the front of the carriage. Hannah knew the creatures existed, but they could only be seen by a person who saw someone die. With a jolt of sympathy, Hannah thought of Harry. He must be able to see them. Then Hannah looked back at the boys in her carriage. She smiled. 

The Great Hall was full by the time Hannah and the boys made their way inside. Looking over, she could see Harry and his friends laughing together. Sitting next to her friend, Cedric, Hannah looked up to Professor Dumbledore, waiting expectantly. Someone started whispering about the Defense teacher. Apparently, whoever it was, they had not show up yet. As the first years walked in, they appeared to be soaked. One small boy was wrapped up in Hagrid's moleskin coat. Professor McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat upon the stool up front, and the tear in the brim opened and began to sing.

A thousand years or more ago,

When I was newly sewn,

There lived four wizards of renown, 

Whose names are still well known:

Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,

Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,

Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,

Shrewd Slytherin from fen.

They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,

They hatched a daring plan

To educate young sorcerers

Thus Hogwarts school began. 

The song continued on, then ended with flourish. Everyone cheered. The song was particularly good this year, in Hannah's opinion. The Sorting began, adding several frightened Hufflepuffs to their table. A first year by the name of Kevin Whitby was the last student Sorted (into Hufflepuff, of course), then Dumbledore stood.

"I have only two words to say to you." Dumbledore spoke, arms wide. 

"Tuck in."

When everyone finished eating, Dumbledore stood again. He made an announcement about the Inter-House Quidditch Cup being cancelled for the year, and Fred yelled.

"You're joking!"

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Weasley, though I do know a good one about..." Dumbledore stopped when McGonagall cleared her throat. While the Qudditch fans and players groaned, Hannah sat up straighter. 

The headmaster waited for quiet and started to speak. Then a large bang sounded through the Great Hall. Most people jumped and a few screamed. A grizzled-looking man walked in. His faced was disfigured, and it appeared that a large chunk of his nose was missing. Hannah recognized the man from the Daily Prophet. 

He was Mad-Eye Moody, an Ex-Auror who was fired for not being able to tell the difference between a handshake and a deadly threat. Poor man was just trying to be polite, but his hand was never the same again. 

Dumbledore began speaking to them again, telling them about the revival of the Triwizard Tournament. All around, plans of entering were forming. Then, the announcement of an age requirement caused an uproar once more. As everyone was dismissed, Hannah could hear Fred and George's plan to trick the judge. She hoped they would not be able to, the thought of losing them, especially Fred, was unbearable.

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